MouseD O O M s a y e r
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The art of Fortune Telling, Fortuna, is not a neglected path in Meranthe.

But the ones who practice are so attuned to the good, the possibilities of the future, they deny one singular truth of that very future.

In everyone's future- No God, No Master, No Slave, No Man, can stop the only truth.

Disaster, Doom, Decimation.


It does not have to be sad.

A sad few people treat these moments as a positive, that the cycle can continue in full.

But the ones who practice are so attuned to the good, the possibilities of the future, they deny one singular truth of that very future.

A woman, known as Amica, is offering card readings to those who may be interested. Though she often proclaims living in the regions around Xuefeng, she has been seen meandering all about Meranthe, plying her trade. In return, she asks not for money, not for power, not for privilege- Instead, something much, much more simple than that.

To have your 'doom' foretold by the Doomsayer, you must profess something simple: A secret. No matter how big, how small, how negligant, how damning, the fortune will be told, and the 'negative' side of Fortuna will be offered to those who desire to know, simply, the risks and dangers that the future might hold.

To set up a scene; 'anmouse2' on the Discord, or pm 'Amica' in game!
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if anyone asks i got banned for sending /messages to people
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It was an omen.

Like war drums beating in the center of Xuefeng, only for a moment,

The heart of Amica all but stopped.

And when once more their eyes opened, a single phrase was offered to those present.

Words spread from mouth to note, and once more, the offer of doomsaying, of telling your demise and of telling tragedy,

is laid out for all who wish to hear what there is to tell.

Amica draws; The Tower.

"It. Is. Waiting."

To set up a scene to have the Doomsayer tell your fate, send a dm to anmouse2 on Discord, or /pm Amica if I'm online!
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if anyone asks i got banned for sending /messages to people
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A sign hangs upon the Doomsayer's door, seemingly having been rushed. It's a plain wooden plaque, hanging by threadbare rope, as if the person who hung it had no intention of making it look nice. The paint upon it seems relatively fresh, and seems to be red with an underlying primer of gold. The Doomsayer's home, where only a scarce few readings were ever done, seems otherwise.. Abandoned. Neighbors say they saw the Doomsayer, Amica, moving in the middle of the night, taking only a few things from the abode, and vanishing into the night.







Looks like the cat's out of the bag.

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if anyone asks i got banned for sending /messages to people
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The Doomsayer once more opens for business.
They say the Doomsayer herself, Amica Mero, has been seen wandering the western half of the continent.
Like a ghost, with shadows intermingled in her form entirely, she moves quick and with purpose in her step.
But if one can find her, stop her, and request a reading; Perhaps, for a secret, she will foretell your doom.
Or, if one is lucky enough to catch a crow- Tie a letter to it's leg, and send it off into the air.
It will find its way home,
And the Doomsayer will find you once more.
Tarot readings to foretell your DOOM, your TRAGIC FATE, available once more upon request.
Contact 'anmouse2' on Discord, or 'Amica Mero' in game via letter or PM.
Be safe out there, Meranthe. Tragedy abounds once more.
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if anyone asks i got banned for sending /messages to people
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