DragonDarklyDreaming'tween Sea and Shore
Amidst the shores of the Traverse, the bridge between land and sea, a pair of children are ready to see the world...

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Your Mother
Mnemosyne Montelione

Ascended Siren, and Suzerain of the Traverse
Mastery of the element of Water
Deft with a blade
The more hands-off mother
Wayfinding Master

[Image: sample_0bbfa83119b5c807e04d43edfb5c5d93.jpg]
Your Mother
Elizabeth Montelione
(Don't question it, blood magic's wild)

Champion of Memoria, Suzerain of the Traverse
Wielder of Time, Blood, and Fortuna magics
Handy with rituals and crafting
The serious, but kind mother


You are one of a set of twins! You were raised in the Traverse, a set of islands far to the Southwest of the mainland.
You are a Siren, and would have been raised to respect and know your culture.
You were well-educated, partially by Elizabeth, but as well by tutors and teachers hired by her and her family.
You have a rich extended family in the Monteliones of Gloomlight, and some of your early memories would involve either trips to Gloomlight via Wayfinding, or visits from a certain dragon.
Whilst your mothers are each very religious, with Elizabeth being a follower of Memoria and Mnemosyne speaking of an ascended water spirit, you would be encouraged to find what makes you comfortable.
You're not quite a nepobaby... Your parents put a lot of their funds into the settlement itself. However, you will be granted the ability to dev many things, and have an experienced crafter in the family, with a large amount of materials and dev items on hand.
One of you may inherit Elizabeth's hourglass, bound to her bloodline, a powerful item of blood and time magics.
You cannot inherit aether, as Elizabeth is a Champion, not a Nephilim.
You can spawn in IMMEDIATELY!
Contact either Zetchryn or Lostrozen on discord to apply.
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