SwordDaoH.I.M.E the Prototype
[Image: Hana-Kurusu-Volume-24.webp]
The cumulation of countless restless nights in his home lab, piece-by-piece she is put together sculpted to perfection-- in his eyes. Truthfully she was far from it, the first creation of this type for the Gregoris.

Sparks of consciousness manifest after an extended period of tweaking and programming, crawling in Dal'Thala and finding its full function in the Midpoint.
H.I.M.E - a being with a hunger for improvement, an insatiable curiosity and most importantly, forged to serve Madavayana Gregoris.
You are:
- A newly forged Synthetic
As such, everyday is  a newfound experience there is still much for you to learn
- The right hand of Madavayanna
You will serve Madavayanna above all alongside the Midpoint and as a result your standing within the company is almost second to none.
- Ever-evolving you feed off of mana growing stronger the more you are exposed to it.
Will spawn with a shield that evolves with time
Be loyal to ur creator or else :)
Be active! (mains pref)
and be cool
contact @requim9304
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