Callen200Peace at Mind
Flyers begin to reach del'thala, Londo, from the western front to all the way to the Citadel.
Scattered in many towns and on trees.. dawning serenitys Blue and white symbol.

Quote:Do you feel lost at times? perhaps you have fear and doubts, nobody understands you, have you thought in the mists of silence you wanted to end it all?

Maybe the world is better without you, hear it no more.. i Cathrine Silver will be your Ear to listen, your shoulder to cry on.

Be it child or adult even elder, i am opening my doors of Serenity to become a listener, i offer small Chat sessions in private

for 1000c i will listen to what pains you, give my honest answers, you may like it, or don't or you may make a suggestion for me to just listen

As you vent your problems away, i will do just that, 

Yet.. as the quote from cathrine itself finishes, a symbol of life, a tree of alacritas was shown as the bottom text gives a very simple summary of what you will be given.

Quote:You will be offered a prayer for absolutely free, doors will be locked, and privacy will be given

you are free to end our session early, or stay, you are not binded to stay and talk, you are not forced.

Speak what you wish to be heard, everything you speak will be heard and kept in a book locked away for only clients.

I give my honest word that what is spoken stays between clients, i hope you find peace in our visits.

How this works
  • Upon payment of 1000c you will be guided to a room
  • The doors will lock and after that you may speak your mind
  • You will be given a prayer to alacritas at the end, down the line perhaps a conversion to alacritas as your deity if you pick that

[Image: 3e04255c2a2b71d2637f8da35567ea6d.png]

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