SpiritoftheSandsThe Sands Rise
[Image: jerome-sion-sandstorm.png?ex=65f136b2&is...height=903]

The sands rise upon the dunes, the desert stirs in respond to the ever-growing chaos of this world.

In the shimmering silent expanse, where the golden sands stretch infinitely under a blazing sun, there lies a slumbering soul, bound to the shifting dunes and whispered secrets of the untamed land. For eons, it has rested, cocooned in the silence of the vast wilderness, its presence barely discernible amidst the undulating waves of heat. But as twilight descends upon the desert, a subtle stir begins to emanate from the heart of the dunes, a whispered promise of awakening, a host realized.

With the fading light casting long shadows across the desert landscape, that which was hidden begins to rouse from its ageless slumber. Its essence, woven into the very fabric of the desert, stirs with a newfound vitality, a primal energy that courses through the parched earth like a rising tide. As the first stars twinkle into existence above, a shifting form begins to materialize, a spectral figure shimmering with the hues of sunset and the muted tones of sandstone.

With each passing moment, something emerges more fully from its timeless sleep, its presence suffusing the air with an aura of sand and dust. It moves with a grace born of millennia, drifting effortlessly through the dunes as if dancing to the ancient rhythms of the desert itself. In its wake, whispers of forgotten lore swirl like desert dust, carrying with them the echoes of a bygone era. As the night deepens and the desert stretches out in silent reverence, that which was awakened stands sentinel over its domain, a guardian of the desert's bounty and keeper of its heart.

As the deserts heart awakens, a primal fury pulses from deep in the great expanse, fueled by memories of trespasses upon its sacred domain. With a haunting wail that echoes across the dunes, it prowls the sands with an insatiable thirst for retribution. Desert travelers, unaware of the primal force now awakened, become unwitting targets of its vengeful wrath. Swift as the desert wind, it descends upon them, its ethereal tendrils lashing out with a ferocity born of the sands fury. Each encounter leaves behind a trail of whispers and shadows, a warning to those who dare to defy the ancient guardian of the desert. In its pursuit of vengeance, this being becomes a phantom of terror, haunting the dreams of travelers who dare to tread upon its sacred sands.

Yet there remains rumors of deflecting its wrath, offering made to the sands, those who respect the desert and its peace walking free from the storm of sand which would scour flesh and tear skin. 

Those who speak the tongue of the desert know this being by one name.

Ruh Alrimal
A sermon to the spirits, deep within the sands.

Offerings given, and offerings accepted.

Travelers in the Silent Expanse note a significant drop in attacks by angered spirits, attributing it to a new desert priest. Though notably, the being still remains, so caution is still advised.
[Image: cxu5kx.jpg]

An instability reverberates through the ethereal plane.
That which once lay dormant is again stirred into tumultuous motion.
The Spirit of the Sands, long dormant, raises its head anew.

Among the shifting dunes, whispers pass from traveler to traveler, and rumors flow swiftly through the market and bazaar: 

Ruh Alrimal stirs from its slumber.

The Deserts Fury awakens, unleashing its wrath upon those who dare venture too deeply into the harsh embrace of the desert.

Heed this warning, all who traverse these perilous sands:
The spirit roams once more, vigilant and vengeful.
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