MyradinThe Doth'ral
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The Doth’ral are one of three major tribes hailing from the northern plains region of Ilsam-Nalim, obscured behind the mountains of Vdalion and deemed sacred. Nomadic and cosmopolitan, they seek the farthest edges of the world so they may reap the wealth of the realm and return to nourish the roots of their homeland with their collected bounty, traveling in the capers of their God, Rhaeshisari, as he brings with him all the warmth and splendor of the sun. Their culture, as such, is one of constant motion, and even the name they give themselves aptly translates to “ephemeral”.

Knowing the proper art of wielding a blade, the noble pursuit of equestrianism, how to sing and dance, the accrual of wealth, and stylish finesse are of utmost importance, so much so that each serves as a marker of status in their society. The highest ranking of them are both fierce combatants and radiantly opulent; the most humble, slaves born to feeble lineages or taken captive from outside origins. One may earn their freedom and position by demonstrating exceptional prowess in combat, or otherwise proving their worth under a select set of conditions sanctioned by head authorities: the elders and their protégés.

As a whole, it is believed that humans are made in the exact likeness of their deity, and are hence of a superior standing relative to all others; they are as innately prideful as they are rapacious, with solely the interests of their own at the forefront of their ventures. Albeit insular, as well as cautious in treading into the unknown, they are nevertheless spirited and charismatic toward life, and intrusively curious. No stretch of land goes unswept, no novelty untouched, often with fire in their wake.

They are easily identifiable with a mere glance. Runic markings, etched into flesh with the blood of a beast they hail as divine, chronicle their tales in meticulous detail, and one may be able to determine extensively the feats and milestones of an individual by reading the patterns across their being, extending from the source of a circle impressed upon their chests at birth, symbolizing the soul.

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Ilsam natives are monotheistic and place their faith in one god alone, Rhaeshisari, served by a hierarchy of divine spirits beneath him. According to their creation myth, the world came to be when, within the darkness of the firmament where these spirits dwelled unmoving and unchanging, the essence of Rhaeshisari flickered and stirred into dance, begetting the first motion in his course. The flow of his stride set his heel ablaze and fathered light, churned the shadowy pitch of the ether into soil, and perspired rain upon the newborn land. Carved from his hand, his golden blood wrought a blade, with which heaven and earth were split in twain, and, extending a challenge to the other supernal entities and subduing them, he arose a lord.

So goes the tale of their god’s ascendancy, unwritten in any texts of their own. Tradition has carried through the voices of the elders and their elected shamans for over a millennium, an unbroken thread strictly observed and its integrity scrupulously maintained. Among them, there is an appreciation for those who came before and paved the path to the present, and their ancestors are regarded as illuminated guides in every respect, their souls thought to be the very stars that hang overhead. Ceremonial poles point above, conveying words spoken in communion to them as a beam of light to pierce and be received by higher spheres, ever wheeling – and as it is above, so it is below, for constant motion is considered a dogma in and of itself. To them, nature is marshaled by such; the shifting of celestial bodies, the turn of the seasons, the vital flow of water and blood in all of the living, give glory to the creator’s first act, and it is for this reason that they must never idle, lest they lose sight of ambition and purpose.

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Patriarchal. Men assume roles of governance over other men, directing and ensuring that their work is performed effectively, and protecting their own; the women, on the other end, devote a large sum of their time to household affairs and craftwork.

Strength, riches, and grandeur are the three primary criteria for the makings of a leader. The three tribes are led by a council of ten elders (not necessarily old), who are in turn led by a premier head. The current head elder is Ardruno.

Elders may take on disciples and raise them up to be future leaders. These leaders in miniature are responsible for the direction of excursions outside of their homeland of Ilsam, in the hopes that they will encounter and return with fortune and fame, a performance test as much as it is an essential labor for the tribes’ viability.

Beneath the ordinary stock are slaves. Typically, slaves confined to Ilsam-Nalim are treated relatively well. A slave reflects his master; they do not wear rags, nor do they starve or grovel in dirt all of the time, and most are granted a rudimentary education to enhance their value. Their tasks consist of cooking, cleaning, and attending to other menial manners.

Outsiders are accepted through displays of strength or marriage, but they must be human. Other races are perceived to be lesser beings, and thus fit only for servitude.

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