VolatileGoblin Goblin Goblin


You have my interest piqued.
[Image: a1c5821151379249915fc28ad734e73f.png]
Former chaotic-neutral drain gang here
We (or I and a few others) ran out of things to do once the well of Shenanigans ran dry. So about a few months? Goblins might fit too much with the issue of flavour of the month 3ternia thing... And unless osrona itself is heavily populated, the 'living in a complicated drain and occasionally coming above ground' thing loses much lustre.
Last time I checked, sewer entrances were broken with Osrona's map revamp, including the sewer entrance closest to a lot of the homes... but that was a monthish ago. Sewer map is beautiful but takes forever to get around...
Not to say that I don't like your ideas themselves, Volatile. Of course I love goblins.... I emerge to occasionally bitch like a goblin
https://chronicles-of-esshar.com/forum/s...p?tid=1913 cast your vote and any further criticisms here!
My discord is Vi#6600
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