Evil Sailor RyuMea facta probant me esse.
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"I must understand. What lay beyond my own coil?" 
Quote:Bronx Hel Myst for quite sometime has been chased by an Aria born from drums which denotes her own annihilation. A spirit forced to inhabit her by way of a combatant from Xuefeng reminding them of the feelings of mortality.  Thankfully, they are versed in the arts of Riftmancy. So a trip afar to grapple with this existence woven by song is simply an anchor away. Far out does Bronx seek to visit the tribes of Gehenna to speak or rather accost it's various plentiful Shaman. So they may come to terms with what now lay within and so they may grasp further control over the ambition and life gifted upon them by way of Lord Xarxes hands. All while wrestling with the fact that eventually like man they too may die. But unlike man, This death would not be their first.
Atendees: Bronx Hel Myst (A couple others 3 max).
Reward: Spiritual awakening, Soulbound dev teehee.
Themes: Understanding, Mortality, Cultural differences.
DM: None could be you. 
Risk : COD
Contact: Pm me here or ask for my discord in PMs.
Bump a crumb of dm pls....
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