BenyahA duel to the death!?

Shiri Shi Shigenobu challenges Mannasseh to a duel to the death!

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A missive, dispatched to the Island of Korcula soundly arrives to the quarters of the undead through the means of a non-magi courier. News of the contents of this request, this demand makes way across The Republic of Paritas. 

"Manasseh, dear old friend. I've met you many times on the battlefield, more than a few, I have cowered in fear from your might. 
But that is not the case now. On your turf, the land once promised to my clan, Korcula. I challenge you to a duel to the death. Your Captain took my king, it is only fitting, then, we see how my mantle compares to the first mate. Perhaps, I can exact my own ideal and rendition of justice. Or you prevail.

Let's finish what we started all of those years ago, let us make famous the final day our blades collide. 

There is no trickery, there is no foul intention, but you may bring your gimmicks, I know you owe me that, if nothing else. 
Regardless of who ultimately wins, I believe it will be a victory for this world.

Things like you, and people like me deserve to die. 
So let us do so, gloriously.
One of us, at least."

Date: IF accepted, TBD!
Word spreads rapidly, as it always does when a duel to the death is on the table. Even before whispers spread across the Republic, does a helmed man receive four missives.

Of all the days."
Connections within the Republic, the Fleet, the Shigenobu Clan, and the Meranthe courier network, present details of the challenge to a mercenary enjoying one singular night off in his island cabin.
A sigh escapes him, and a brief letter of his own is written.

"Greetings, Shiri.

I consider you a friend, and you've done well by me in the past, but you took out a loan.
Five years have passed, and the agreed-upon interest has risen that sum to 120,000c.
You can fight him after it's paid, and only then.

Aricles Alline"

A copy is made and delivered directly to Manasseh, with an additional line added to the bottom of his: "One's word matters."
Two more hours are spent writing letters and speaking over transceivers, as the mercenary notifies yet more of his contacts to monitor Shiri and this developing situation. His word was his bond, and he always saw a debt repaid.

[Aricles Alline will be seeking to ensure Shiri pays off her debt, either through payment prior to the duel, or trying to intercept her before reaching its decided location.]
With the word of a Shigenobu's challenge against the pirate spreading, a certain pirate receives a letter with its details.
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The undead cackles to himself, scratching his head as he picks up his transceiver to deliver a swift response.
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"What th' Hel is this bogus..?
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No trickery? Kehahahah!
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Don't make me laugh!"
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A brief silence is had before Manasseh's laugh fills the comms, they had indeed made him laugh.
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"Tell 'er if she wishes t' meet her end, then she can find me bears or me'self anywhere else!
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No point in wastin' my time with 'er games...
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I'm a filthy pirate, yes it's true. Yet- I know more honor than that rat!
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There wouldn't be a point in tryin' t' make this about only her and I, we all know what this really is.
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If ye' really did wish t' keep it between us, she would've done somethin' else!
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Besides, ain't she got an invasion t' die in!?
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Survive that, n' I may be impressed enough t' oblige!"
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His answer was given, it seemed the pirate would have no intentions of humoring the "duel".
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From his perspective, this was nothing but a trap...
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The Faeborne's reputation and circumstances lead to no chance of a fair one-on-one duel.
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[Challenge Declined]
"Didn't you forget someone?"
Word spreads quickly throughout certain circles of Viscountess Shiri Shi Shigenobu's declaration, drawing the interest of a certain estranged sibling.

Rather quickly, word is sent through channels to the declining Shigenobu clan's leader, a simple yet direct message:

"Your declaration is not a request at a duel, it is suicide. You wish to see yourself perish for one reason or another... Yet refuse to commit Harakiri.

We are both well aware you stand little chance of defeating the First Mate Manasseh, your true intentions are obvious...

This is a wish I can provide you with.

Call it a settling of differences, one last meeting between the two of us...

Let you die in the arms of your family, not by the hands of a undead."

A formal challenge to a duel to the death from Shirin Shigenobu, former Hatamoto of the Shigenobu clan.


Of course, Shigenobu Shi Shiri-Hime's sister seems to provoke a statement, though ultimately it wouldn't be verbose in nature. In fact, it was quite concise and clear. The sentiment of this message reverberates throughout the Shigenobu's sphere of influence. 

"You are like poison, you are killing me slowly already."
[Challenge Declined]
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