NeatherRealmerTo my Friend.
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Somewhere deep below the surface... a strange clock was ticking.

Alone he would sit upon the throne.
"How many ticks have we tocked?
Over sixty years in the making. Millions swept beneath the tides, even now I can still hear their whimpering. Their agony. Their prayers dancing like a streaming array among the theater. Even so. They can't just give up? Champions, Godlings, even the Mighty.
So many failed the basic principle of existence, the flaw of heroism. To sacrifice those you love to vanquish a villain for the greater good, yet a villain will vanquish the world for those they cherish. Here I remain, here I am to be forgotten. Even now the pressure I built upon the land is starting to subside, churning into something entirely new and foreign. As if you are starting to breath again, my dearest Mother?
Of all things you cherish in this world. All of the spawn you protect, never once were you there for me when I needed you the most. Never once dare even cast a gaze in my direction as the walls collapsed, as bones shattered and chitin split. Clawing so desperately to matter, to breath, to exist on a fair scale... To be forced to shatter your scale, tip the table.
Even among the Council of Immortals... I am so alone. So tired. Why am I so tired? Why cannot I not just be awake?"
Within the darkness something would answer back...
"To think you would finally speak after all these many long years... Perhaps you are right, perhaps it is coming to the end. How many years were they coddled? How many lives spent in the purpose of progress to be squandered within a meager few moments... But you are right.
I've had my fun, collected my Sea. One which even your father would be proud to witness... I'm going to sleep a little longer, watch over the children as they scramble to matter. When they're all finished I will stand up again.
I will climb to the height in which you have risen so I may once again stand beside you. I will march for the realm with her power opening the door, precious Memoria is linked to the Realm of Clocks... These pathetic humans would have used it for a few more seconds of life, but I know how to really use it. 
See you soon, Astaereon the Primordial Sky Dragon of Timelines."
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Somewhere deep below the surface... a hammer was striking.
Alone he would tinker upon the anvil.
"The first century has passed, all pieces are in play for the next. The board has shifted, momentum gained on all fronts to truly bring about the change we spoke of. It has felt like centuries beyond a singular, though that was your fault. If it wasn't for you, I'd never have been cursed with this power in the first place. Isolde, that damned Specter, all of it was because of you...
Soon I'll be finished this work, something you will grow to admire and perhaps even enjoy. It has been an eternity in the making, but a gift befitting of only a single soul. I know you wanted to join me, ever since that day we discovered where he was lurking. I believe you can use this as a means to settle the score, but only when its finally finished.
The most impressive part of this past century is they will never know. They will never admire all I have done for their world. To think I am their great villain, yet they will sleep upon the fact that I am one of their mightiest heroes. It was quite tough, you would have likely died had you been there with me, but Meranthe was saved by those it hates.
I call that irony."
Rumbles in the Darkness brought small tremors to echo through the halls.
"It wasn't my fault. I tried to stop that, I would have moved Atmos and Helheim to alter that point in history... but some power is beyond even my reach. Those humans keep calling me a faux God, but they are the only ones pretending I am one. Though you know I've been growing to like the idea, I never wanted to originally but they keep pushing me down a twisting road.
I guess we'll see as the fabled battle for the Timelines is coming, as much as I have given you will be repaid a thousand times over should our side be the one to claim victory. All of my favors will be called, all of this past century will be on the line.
It's all just a matter of Time.
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The clock ticks its final tock
Through reality only a few may note
"How many years spent in the plight of this endless churning existence, an endless war waged across the Sea of Time. Despair and triumph lost among the millions of faces which I have seen through the echoes of my lives. I have been witness to worlds born upon calamity, dimensions born and collapsed. I have walked the path no other can take, that which none should dare dream to find themselves upon.
But you, among the endless inky void it was you who kept the thrumming beat of an ancient heart pushing forward. You who maintained this frail existence as I slowly degraded over countless generations of violence. It was you who I leave all I have obtained over the course of this grandest journey, you who will inherit that which has been claimed. For none are worthy, yet it is up to you now. The one who has claimed my very Soul, the one who has taken the seat which I leave.
Expand it, destroy it, tear down the walls. I care not, for I believe in your future. I wish you the best out of all the rest, for it was you alone who kept me going. You alone who allowed me to see beyond the shattered veil of a thousand shattered timelines as the Ocean fell down upon me."
Splinters may form across the threshold
"So many I have let down, so many I have aided, disappointed. Maddening. But now as I stand upon the gateway to achieve that which I always wanted, that which I helped others achieve... I do not have the strength to take the final step forward. I will never become the God I had envisioned with you as we joyously set into motion our ambitions, nor will I seek out the grander delve which had been offered. But I cannot continue, I have spent the last of my ambition.
Now, I believe it is time that I am allowed to rest. Free from the confines of the countless souls who desire to purge that which we built. It was fun, horrible, yet satisfying nonetheless. I leave them all in your command, I leave them to your will.
Do you think they might remember me?
I was the nicest one... but one never knows what the future holds, right?"
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The Saga of Xarxes Hel Myst Concluded!
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