Construction & Conquest
Bumping my request for the Burly Tower.
Name of Establishment: Warship Interior, or Airship Interior

Building Purpose: To act as the meeting focal point for the Osrona Navy, and to make use of the Boats/Air Ship that is already located/exist in Osrona.

Area Description: Imagine either some way to actually enter the Air ship with an interior of metal/wooden combination, with a helm/crewquarters/meeting room located inside. Or for just one of the Osrona base ships to have an gangplank to let you walk on it and enter into the depths, with a meeting room/crew quarters.

[Image: 860d09d7dc5cc2563bc17d9d6c529705.png]

[Image: af66307d03bb06e21555bf802a39ad7f.png]

Characters Involved: Osronas Navy, which is an assortment of people.

Funding: If this needs funding, I can scrounge together 30k for it, or however much is needed.

Map Progress / Plans: If its approved I'll start poking someone to hopefully put it together, but I also don't know if the Airship is able to be added to the game, since its a unique item on the ground currently.
^go ahead! 30k
Quote:Name of the Establishment :  Burly's News Tower

Building Purpose:  A home for Esshar greatest reporter to work and be able to access easily through all the lands.  To continue his work and support his crew. To allow others to get a taste of Esshar's history and so forth. To set up interviews and also to be a neutral area for meetings. 

Description:  When those who pass by hear the music playing. They would see a building towering in the area that radiates with life. News crew people would be moving about. Camera men would be talking among one another. And merchants seeking to be known would be speaking to the people.

[i]Characters Involved: Burly Aldes, Yara Wu Marisa, Lyn, Yuki Hamada, and Yara Wu, Baki

Funding: 35000 or 40000

Map Progress/Plans:  The former muscle maiden tower near the Osrona mines now is now Burly's News Tower. I like to add two or three more rooms to the place. One if likely can be a garden area. Another area will be used for a Hall of Fame for Esshar most famous figures. A link to their journals or little basic info.  (This only reserved for those who made the biggest impacts in history.) The other area will be used for various projects for the future and even meetings between factions!
[Image: latest?cb=20150225031330]
^approved, 30k!
Name of Establishment: Moxtli's EXPANSION - Houses, a jail, a port.
Funding: 70,000!
Building Purpose: An expansion out into the unowned east, with the task of giving STONE housing (rather than huts) to those without as well as ensuring prisoners are kept SOMEWHERE beside a cave... And a little port for a Navy!
Area Description: An extension of the tribe's land just east of its doorstep. Nature having been paved over in order to construct housing as well as buildings to serve Moxtli proper. Two buildings served a purpose beside accommodation of the masses, a prison and a port constructed in order to delve into other matters that might spark up again in the future. Last but not least the small cave network brought forth a wealth of ores to be collected.
[Image: iZFiEUK.png]
Characters Involved: Moxtli
Map Progress / Plans: I require assistance mapping for I am not a mapper! I just want a few houses, a prison, and a dock-looking area.
[Image: jU10bJ1.png][Image: jU10bJ1.png]
attacks you
Name of Establishment:Revargo's Alchemy and Artificer store
Funding:Around 36,000 
Building Purpose:A place where alchemy items and artificier ones can be sell on fair prize.Also a Household for Revargo family
Area Description:A big building that has 2 small stores outside it.Outside has path that goes to osrona and the mire jungle.Inside its a average sized shop full with armors and weapons.(The size of inside store would be around 18x18 size) The store also has a door whitch leads to a corridor that spreads into 2 way path.At this path it has three more doors whitch are the rooms they would live. One is at the crossway of the coridor at its begining the other two are at the left and right side of the end of the coridor,(The coridor begining would be around 7x2 While the crossway for left and right side of the corridor would be 5x2)

Name of the Establishment:  The Church of Celestialism.

Building Purpose: The purpose of the building is to extend the west and left ring to allow more housing for people involved, and also to help the people who don't have a home and are dedicated strictly to the faith to find a lot to store their stuff and get development off of it. There will also be a basement for the Aurora Chasm and other projects in the future dedicated to it, filled with old relics and information that go back in the past and then some.

Description: When you walk into the Church, you can tell that there was a difference of life within it, as if an expansion has occurred within the years to promote the growth of the Celestial Church. Deep down in the basement is the project that so many people dedicated their time to, and a collection of mystical wonders from the past, present, and future.

Characters Involved: Those of the Celestial Church, and all those in Osrona who promote themselves to donate.

Funding: 50k, maybe more if needed. 100k if such is desired. Logs of making the cavern and others can be given by Milly.

Map Progress/Plans:  I plan for Milly to do something amazing, and maybe someone else that wish to do so. The plan is to expand the wings of the Church and add a basement that will last for years and years - and also for the Aurora Chasm that Seifer Gardios, Lando lux Metras, Cersie Metras included as well.

[Image: safdsafsaf.png]
[Image: a4892fafbfc0d40df892ac3cb32b30ea.png]

Name of Establishment: Howl's Lookout

Building Purpose: Howl's Lookout has many purposes, the first is to create a hub for spiritually and astrologically aligned magi to strengthen their connection and reach new heights. The second purpose is to survey any threats that might come from the stars above or The Great Beyond. The final purpose is to expand Starfall...skyward.

Area Description: Howl's Lookout is a floating fortress that hovers around Starfall academy, created in part by the ingenuity of Saga Altin, with the help of the students of Starfall. Inside is a menagerie of technology and artistry coming from the very students that attend the academy. Each and every year, they the Galaxy Mantle is stoked to seek out new constellations that have been created in the trillions that exist in the sky. 

Characters Involved: MANY of Starfall's Staff and Students
Map Progress / Plans:  I have not gotten in touch with a mapper currently, but I'm not picky on what it should look like, the only thing that I would like to have is a room that has the stars in the background to act as the control room for the planetarium. The building itself does not have to be overly large but the land itself should be sizeable enough to be able to have an RPB on. 3-4 small houses can be added as an addition as well.

Price: 60k-100k

Special Materials and Systems: All benefits are strictly for IC

 Terra-formation System: The island itself was terraformed with magic and the ability to slightly control clouds to surround the sky island and help it keep afloat.
[Image: 8204a35383bbd9ff0c61d2667d9d2c50.png]
Power Core/ Control Room unit:  This doubles as the lookouts ability to project the world within the room accurately and change in real time.
[Image: e5c95036ec95dd9422d61bee5764fdcd.png]
Navigation System: This will allow us to chart a course and allow Starfall to make constant cosmic related expedition for things like Chiron and give Starfall First Responder warnings for any potential cosmic threats like meteor or space monsters, whenever world evens related to that happen.
[Image: 25864c962e2ceaea3eab5ad52513fc7f.png]
Spiritual Anchor - This will be the system that allows spiritualists their connection to the spirit realm, an addition expedition coming soon will also happen to aid in that endeavor but that is a different topic...
[Image: d493785b9970298d03c8611e24e439f9.png]

Ultimate Plans:
To start a new arc dealing with space.
To begin constructing a village busting weapon system on the lookout.
To go to war with the moon.

Additional Notes:
I will be able to provide sprites for the vision of the interior, but if any mapper wishes to contact me my discord is SaintL#0093
(06-04-2021, 06:07 PM)Mallow Wrote:

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