I want /rpp
(04-01-2020, 03:40 AM)chance Wrote: a cooldown would definitely be better than a timer, i agree. we'll look into it :thumbsup:

as of 1.4, with tomorrow's reboot, this is now a thing!

Addition: RPP gain is now a cooldown based system. If you do not meet the AP requirement during the 3 hour interval, you'll gain RPP once you do, rather than waiting until the next check period. The 3 hour cooldown only kicks in after you get your reward, rather than on a set timer.
(04-12-2020, 01:25 AM)chance Wrote:
(04-01-2020, 03:40 AM)chance Wrote: a cooldown would definitely be better than a timer, i agree. we'll look into it :thumbsup:

as of 1.4, with tomorrow's reboot, this is now a thing!

Addition: RPP gain is now a cooldown based system. If you do not meet the AP requirement during the 3 hour interval, you'll gain RPP once you do, rather than waiting until the next check period. The 3 hour cooldown only kicks in after you get your reward, rather than on a set timer.
Fuck yeah!
[Image: a1c5821151379249915fc28ad734e73f.png]
(04-12-2020, 01:25 AM)chance Wrote:
(04-01-2020, 03:40 AM)chance Wrote: a cooldown would definitely be better than a timer, i agree. we'll look into it :thumbsup:

as of 1.4, with tomorrow's reboot, this is now a thing!

Addition: RPP gain is now a cooldown based system. If you do not meet the AP requirement during the 3 hour interval, you'll gain RPP once you do, rather than waiting until the next check period. The 3 hour cooldown only kicks in after you get your reward, rather than on a set timer.
Praise the lord.
You're all welcome.
yeah thanks alex (& nadrew for coding it)
Tbh the three hour wait not even that bad considering when you get higher rpl you need time to hit the requirement. Plus back in E1.... that system compared to this was like 

[Image: thclUW8.jpg]
Rejoice >.< I hath made at least 1 good suggestion
The most popular argument I see against people bringing it back, is something like "You don't need to see it, it just let's people do 'bad rp' after they hit their check" or something around those lines. For one thing, good and bad rp is a very subjective topic...It's honestly a little elitist and snobby to say you know what constitutes good rp, or something like "good and bad behavior" when it comes to it. Sure there is some mistakes you can do within it like grammar or consistency, but beyond that. It's all up to the individual to say what is better or greater than another's rp.

/rpp was more of a quality of life thing, it's something that just gives more, well, at least for me reassurance to know I've rped enough. This is an rp game, people don't come here to "power game" by the way it's pretty much impossible to power game besides spamming emote or say to hit a check anyway, because power gaming is when you put gaining over the rp, but in this game the only way to gain is through rp.... Point being people come here to rp with or without the check, it was just something nice to have. If anything It encouraged people to rp more if they know they hadn't hit the cap. It's not like people would refuse to rp without it, but it caused them to emote more often when they didn't hit it....

Frankly, what's wrong with rping towards a mechanical goal? It doesn't inherently make their rps any shittier, they still want to have some influence or do whatever they want with their rp. Hell this change doesn't even remove doing that, it makes it more annoying, sure, but it can still be done. And like I asked before, what's wrong with it? Do you not like people rping towards a mechanical goal, do you want them to rp in a very specific way, when the whole point of rp games (at least on byond) is that they are pretty free form, everyone is their own protagonist.
/rpp is bad. as someone wh oused to rp jsut to hit goals so i can feel caught up, keepingOOC off msot the time, and not having /rpp has made me enjoy RPing more
My discord is Vi#6600
(04-16-2020, 08:03 AM)Volatile Wrote: /rpp is bad. as someone wh oused to rp jsut to hit goals so i can feel caught up, keepingOOC off msot the time, and not having /rpp has made me enjoy RPing more
You followed that up with "It's bad because I could see the goal I tried to hit with it" Doesn't quite explain why it's bad. Again, what is wrong with trying to hit a quota? Having a quota (which btw still exists, you just don't know where you hit it or not), doesn't mean the rp will be "bad", it just means their's a goal for it.
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