/Ping IS absolutely an OOC command, used to more or less grab the attention of someone who is otherwise not looking at their screen.

Personally, there should be some IC tool to discern invisibility potions (like if you bump into them, or a message when your door opens, etc.) As opposed to essentially having to ping checking someone and seeing you're being spied on.

Bad precedent IMO. (Though I guess I'll go by this ruling until changed :rolling_eyes: )
What if the alchemy eyes potion could detect invis potion'd people too? Put an outline around them like it puts around potion ingredients (and make the outline brighter so we can actually see it).
Spiritual Sight should detect invisible people too!
Actually it should be something less 'toggle' it and more interesting perhaps a mechanic that works like ping but is sensing.
Make invisibility an illusion master.  :)
Cock your ears up, rabbits.
(10-11-2022, 04:28 AM)chance Wrote:
(10-11-2022, 04:25 AM)FireStartingSnake Wrote: You're not allowed to use ping to detect invisible people.

not true, if you couldn't use /ping to detect someone then we'd hide invisible characters from the list mechanically

invisibility potions are fine and encourage unique play, but could do with some changes to make detection fairer

(10-11-2022, 04:39 AM)TheHipster Wrote: /Ping IS absolutely an OOC command, used to more or less grab the attention of someone who is otherwise not looking at their screen.

Personally, there should be some IC tool to discern invisibility potions (like if you bump into them, or a message when your door opens, etc.) As opposed to essentially having to ping checking someone and seeing you're being spied on.

Bad precedent IMO. (Though I guess I'll go by this ruling until changed :rolling_eyes: )

I'm getting confused

[Image: unknown.png]
Hi, I'm basically the reason why this all happened - and I'd like to apologise for my... not particularly great usage of a great potion. Seriously - to those who were involved in the scene - I'm sorry, it... wasn't particularly much of a good move from me. I'll try to do whatever is within reason to rectify what happened.

Here's my take on invis potions/detection of invis potions though:
Invis potions onto themselves are just a means to an end, there's been really good usages of them (like the time where deity stole shame's book in e3) but at the same time... [my recent escapade] wasn't particularly an example of one. (Again, I'm sorry.)
Currently, the only really IC ways I know of with detecting a potion are, well, bumping into them or maybe listening to footsteps - both of which aren't particularly, well, common. /ping... does reveal invisible characters, but at the same time, to me it feels much more like an OOC mechanic (hence why initial reaction was ''hey this kinda feels metagame-y'') and I'm of the personal opinion that it shouldn't be considered IC. After all - /ping reveals a character's name, something - if they sensed an invisible person - probably wouldn't know, or would be able to play off as "hey i recognize that shape/face" or something similar due to, well, invisibility. At the same time, though, I do believe there should be some way to detect invisible people.

Spectral Sight being able to see invisible people makes sense to me - after all, invis pots make use of luminite, which was - iirc - spirit world connected in some way, and you have to dev for the ability.
But for those without SS, I do believe a way of counteracting invisible people should exist as well. 

The following is my suggestion:
A command similar to /ping, that only counts the amount of people present, with a cooldown. Mayhaps something like /sense, displaying "You can feel X amount of presences around you." At the same time, the displayed name of an invisible person could be temporarily changed to something like "Invisible Person" (creative, I know) to not immediately out them as a person in particular. Optionally - it could require an additional roll to "sense" an invisible person.

Pros: Doesn't share the full name of the invisible person, while still establishing their presence. It gives the /sense user a chance to pursue the invisible person, while the invisible person won't be immediately outed as a certain person. If the roll-based /sense gets used instead - that adds the extra pro of someone not just being able to /sense and sniff someone out immediately.

Cons: Could be difficult to give justification for ICly? Maybe the "Invisible Person" name-disguise isn't as sound as I think it is, as well. As for roll-based sense, sheer probability itself probably isn't too good to base a mechanic upon - but at the same time, we have caps and injuries. (if there are any more flaws with this, please let me know!)

Keep in mind, were you to directly bump into an invisible person (or something similar), I'd say that still counts as being able to spot them without the need of /sense.

Now, of course - this is only a suggestion and likely not perfect at all. I'm open to critique concerning the idea, but this is my take on it.
Again, I'd like to apologise for what happened. It was pretty shite, I'm sorry.

[Image: eternia-amber.png]
Amber count: 693 (or 770)
Funny haha idea. Perhaps beastkin could get an ability where they're able to ping for invisible peeps? Icly explained as their heightened senses from the huge animal ears sitting on top their heads.
Just add an invisibility purge potion of equal cost to the invisibility potion.

Having a high tier potion countered by a free OOC command is kinda sketchy.
if I tell you guys I had a dream where someone complains about inv pots in the forum's would u believe me
[Image: FWC20no.png]

(,,> ᴗ <,,) sowwy.......
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