Dimmie DunceI Forgot my Library Card
[Image: funny-library7.jpg]

Maybe more, depends on IC.


Caelfall! One of the largest and most fruitful of districts within Osrona. A man that once belonged to the beggers life of Sudbury has finally achieved his lifelong dream of going from zero, to semi-hero slash "Wow I have a chance at doing something with my life!" at the ripe old age of sixty. Someone Taylen knew quite well, as it was her selfish, hoarding uncle whom cared little for his brother-in-law and even his younger sister.

This man, Montigue Daven, has achieved his goal through deceit, treachery, betrayal and thievery. But he made it, finally managing to open a little library within the the commons of Caelfall. A place which welcomes all- all except the slummers of Sudbury of course, least they recognize the relatively successful man for whom he is...

Taylen however torn on their lifestyle, is rife with the desire of vengeance. Emboldened by the recent rumors of the Syndicate and it's supposedly successful assassination rumors, Taylen has decided it's time for a little payback against an uncle that was never there when his family needed him most...

Up to the DM.

Risks: Temporary CoI

Specific Requests:

-A Tome on Illusion Magic
-A Tome on Time Magic
-If Mavis wants it, a Tome on Blood Magic

-I hate writing applications and rarely did them for a reason. Someone suggested an event instead, so why not?
-Stacking temporary injuries are fine if not preferred. No permanent injuries we are babies.
-Maybe a repercussion could be more guard patrols sent to the slums due to some slum kids looting a library? Idk.

Idk, hit me up on discord if interested.
[Image: a1c5821151379249915fc28ad734e73f.png]
Mavis will be attending!
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