Whetstones that can be used on equipment that roll rarity as an anvil of the same tier would. An iron or gold whetstone would have the same chances to get uncommon, rare and ultra tags of their respective anvil. 

Smiths have needed a consumable for a long time now and I think this is the perfect chance to add them. The benefits given by rarities aren't game-changing at all (food is literally better) but it'll give people with absurd amounts of money to work towards. It could also give value to metals that are usually obsolete after some time has passed after release or have little use at the moment. Copper, iron, adamantite, steel, blue mercury and tyrium. It should be more expensive than if you were to buy an anvil for the convenience of only purchasing one roll and the added utility of being used on existing items. 

This would make it so that it's not nearly impossible to get sick ass tags on equipment that's too difficult to mass produce, i.e uniques, arcanium, nyeshk and even mythril.

Or, you could even make it so that you would need an anvil to use the whetstone with. Like you would need a gold anvil and tyrium whetstone to modify an arcanium piece. This would make it so anvils don't become entirely useless while also making a sink for metals.

Please this is the best idea I've had all year.
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