GodhoodExtra sugary Quality of Life changes
Just a few things I've seen suggested on the discord by myself and friends that I believe could really be fun and useful.

- Chickens as summonable pets (rabbits r cute, but where are da chickens!)

- Rabbits follow closer (If this is my pet, it sure is terrified of me! RL tamed rabbits wouldn't be so scared.)

- Overall more pets would be cooler. (like baby dragons and what not. The way SL2 did them was pretty cool too. They had unique profiles just for the pets that were enjoyable, and could even rp as the pets/control where they went.)

- Horses & Carriages (This would allow players to travel across the map a bit quicker, would help the stamina-energy issue post farming/mining)

- Stall Helpers (The amount of times a friends stall has gone empty and they are left incapable of doing anything because of Y reason is far too many. This would let friends work together in shops!
  • Let helpers access shopkeepers in houses too
- Give food that you eat and drink separately in terms of energy granted and timer. (This would make buying Liquor and etc actually useful and not something no one does cause it's useless.)

- Make the 'Liquor' type foods give a nerf of agility/accuracy to emulate being 'drunk' with the more they drink, the drunker they get and longer they are drunk for. It could be split into three types with varying and stronger defects. Tipsy, Drunk, Blackout.

- Give different types of foods unique little affects. (So far it's only worth making Stir Fry & Burgers cause the rest are useless.)

- Add more foods pwease c: (Like milk, coffee not just tea, steak, etc)

- Overall, buff foods thnxs - Eli


- A banker npc or house item known as 'safe' where we can store our money in. Or just let us store money in our chests too..

- Drakanites being able to fly would be prty kool... Natural levitation or something thnxs to wings?

- Full-shift for drakanites, I wasn't here when it's a thing but I wish it was again ;o; I wanna be able to enter full dragon-mode!

- A way to go beyond 2,000 energy? Medic and Enchanter life is hard.
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