Wooloo10k Essence Strike hit
Juuuuust gonna say that might be a tad overboard for a racial. Maybe. Probably the major advantage Teraphim have over every other race is their abilities are actually extremely combat-oriented and damn-well GOOD in general.

Seriously, 30% of my HP to a homing, invulnerable teleport wasn't cool. Drak Claw is harder to land, and doesn't do nearly that much, and you don't see Beastkin hitting like that either.

Something something 'lost a verb thread', yes, but what in the fuck is that damage? It's not even a particularly high cooldown ability.
Just FYI! The MONSTER character that did 10k with Essence Strike on you had 343 Power stat and Crystal Heart on!
Okay THAT explains that. Thought he was balanced for 1v1 range.

Still on the high side for a racial. That's not a power level that's been unobtainable.
its 10 spell damage, soon 2 be 8
Shouldn't a 5 RPP racial homing be more around the 4-5 spell damage range?
its already 8sd
suuur wish lightspeed did damage
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