Theori(Way)Finding the Tome
Character Name / Contact Information: Regulus ven Grimmore/Theori#5636

Extra Attendees: Asta Hargrave

Event Synopsis: Since the Reimara Concordat several centuries ago, Agartha had been an economic power that rivals even the greatest empire. However, it also happens to be a hotbed on magical innovation, including several rare abilities that are practically unheard of outside of the continent. Hearing of a ship that wrecked against some rocks on the Essharan coastline containing a tome -in a watertight lockbox- relating to one such rare ability, Regulus -with the help of his wife- ventures to this shipwreck to find its treasure!
Tone: Spooky, spelunk-y

Risk: CoI, whatever severity is appropriate

Specific Requests: Looking to get out of his with a Wayfinding Tome, please.

DM: Requesting Milly!
will dm yeehaw
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[Image: Fn81wCh.png]
Asta's coming, oh lawd she's comin
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