GoldBuff Flurry SLASH
First off, his name is Hundred Cuts.

Don’t know why his name was changed to Flurry SLASH, the capital letters are misleading “this is power young lad.. I promise.” It’s moderate at most and you need 50 RPP to buy it.

Flurry Slash
9 damage
20 second CD

Blazing wave
10 damage
14 second CD

Costs aside, both of these are three tiles wide, both have similar effects to some degree afterward.
Slash with its 3 tick bleed.
Blaze with its tile damage and burn

See those cd differences? Why..? 

“You can’t compare the two.” I mean, it’s just the closest spell in regards to function, damage, and cd to some extent.

If the CD is gonna stay that high, bump the damage. Pretty simple really. Give that SLASH some oomph.

Otherwise, lower the CD to match blazing waves, the range is not a factor in this comparison.
i'll adjust the numbers some in today's reboot (cooldown reduction, higher range)
Flurry slash is a multi-hit ability, hits twice for 9 with a total of 18+bleed.

So, overall?
Flurry slash:
18+bleed total damage.
20 second CD

Blazing wave.
10 damage+ground AoE (which admittedly I don't know the exact damage number)
14 second CD.

Flurry Slash's damage is quite decent for its CD, and there aren't that many moves that come similiar to such a damage output for roughly 20 sec CD.
The key of course, is actually landing the move. Its a slow moving projectile, so it is best to use it from melee range, preferably after a slow or a stun.
in testing, it hits more than once (maybe 18 dmg or even 27, plus a light bleed). it's actually a really good spell for how easy it is to hit since the projectile moves so fast 

i take back my previous comment & this'll need some more consideration, for now
So I'm pretty sure what ever high number you're seeing is for the point blank mark, like when you get hit with rockslide or flameslide point blank. (Unsure if that's still a thing or its been fixed)
Could use some adjustments so it's not doing an absurd amount of damage from that spot, I've only used it as a range technique cause its fun for me like that.
As you can see pointblank it does a fairly high amount compared to the following two which seem like the intended 9 spell damage with its bleed ticks.

Flurry SLASH

Point Blank

Several Tiles away

Several tiles away while moving

Fatal to compare

Fatal Strike
ty, that's very helpful

it looks like 2 ticks of 9 in each one, though? the gif where they're moving for instance:

point blank is either 2 or 3 ticks. we definitely need to make the damage more consistent/readable for sure...
I think if the double hit was taken off of it and the CD was lowered a bit, I'd be more in line with fatal. I don't know how consistently you can get the 2nd hit without CC (because no one uses it). Give it a minor buff to entice people to try it out and see what they do with it. It has a bad reputation and nobody wants to touch it.
That’s a ! Behind the damage in the middle. I think that’s what you’re pointing out 3 digits not 4 and if it was (p sure it’s not though) the red bar above would be significantly lower in comparison to the point blank bar
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