skeletalWarriorTime-Lost Bounties
[Image: ab3ec1cd61ef73fb6fbf51e6a7c09e62.jpg]

Character Name / Contact Information: Edahy/skeletalWarrior#2628

Extra Attendees: Rain and one extra perhaps.

Event Synopsis: While running through the lands of Esshar one finds a number of oddities hidden within the wilderness. One such oddity is a barred temple within a forest, reclaimed by nature itself. Upon its discovery Edahy could only imagine what was within its confines, and as he gathered a small group he aimed to reclaim some of those treasures within.

Tone: Adventurous, Indiana Jones-y, ancient, and mysterious!

Risk: Chance of Injury.

Specific Requests: I'd like to snag some ores and perhaps some form of Asena-based material. This could be something containing lore, religious significance, or so on. 

Extra: If the DM's interested I wouldn't mind making this into a small chain. I would like to work my way up to something, of which can be discussed in private messaging.

DM: Currently looking for one!
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