VolatileStacking Items
Make Potions stack.

I honestly cannot see a reason that potions of the same type do not stack. If I have multiple agility X, why do they take multiple slots, instead of just 1 slot? Perms in E1 days stacked. I miss those days...
As well I think food items of the same type should stack like alcohol items stack.
Make unused paper stack too.

Is there anything I missed?

There needs to be more stacks going on to perserve inventory and storage space.
My discord is Vi#6600
Alcohol stacking is actually unintentional, I'm just not bothering to fix it until someone complains when it breaks.

Things like perms could probably stack, but things like food that can have different energy values and the sort can't stack.

The stacking code isn't really smart enough to know if two stackable items of the same type aren't exactly the same, and making it do so would add a dramatic amount of overhead to an otherwise simple system.
Im sure a lot of people would appreciate if same-type potions stacked. It would save a lot of crafters a lot of stall/storage space. Also would make it to where you could buy them in bulk, and set their price in bulk, without having to do each price individually. It's a simple quality of life change all around.
My discord is Vi#6600
Potions not stacking was a design choice Chance made when they were added, I'm sure there was a reason. Food not stacking is for technical reasons and will absolutely never change.
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