AlexTeraphim hearts
Okay please. Hear me out... Please don't downvote this because I said Teraphim which can be a trigger for some people. I am here to discuss something else not their strengths or how crystal is busted. 

I want to open a discussion/suggestion about how humans become Teraphim.

Now, currently there is only one way. You must get a teraphim heart from another Teraphim to become one and then have the High Lord/Lady make you one. That's fine. It's a cool concept. However, I think it becomes rather silly after the first few months of a game when suddenly everyone knows about this ic and ooc. So, good luck finding a heart! Because unless there are teraphim on the other side (Which there aren't), you won't be able to get one unless you kill one of your own for x reason.

Now, why would you kill another Teraphim to become a Teraphim? That just... defeats the purpose of balance or whatever. It doesn't make sense.

I also THINK, that eventing for hearts is also off limits. (This isn't 100%) Yet if that's the case then again... Good luck finding one.


My suggestion is:
Every 10 years. 50 ooc days (2ish month), the vale can grand 1 person a crystal heart. There has already been 1 person who got to get turned into a teraphim without a heart and then they just... afk'd...

I think this is a limited way to reward people who have actually stuck around Myllenoris. Who actually RP there. Who don't just go there looking to become a teraphim and try to get a heart.

Yes, I am frustrated that my character has been "First in line to become a teraphim" for nearly a decade, because it's impossible to get a fucking heart. Idk. Teraphim are one of the very FEW hooks of Myllenoris and unless you want to RB into one - that hook is completely useless on you. Your time and energy is not rewarded in any real way by being there. Idk. Maybe I'm just dumb but do tell
Alternative idea: Allow for chiron usage to create crystal hearts
I think w/ Chiron you could, in theory, at least apply to do literally anything. Not going to say that you could make a Teraphim this way, but Chiron is a plot MacGuffin that serves whatever role you need it to serve.
Maybe the Chiron can be used in the Vale like it could be used to recharge the Qilin Machine. Every chiron gives the High Lord/High Lady, 3 fresh crystal hearts. Could also perhaps fluff it to where, the hearts are slightly weaker linked to the spirits as those who have been in multiple bodies or something idk.
I am no board with this Chiron heart idea it could be like a second class Teraphim from the role play point. Like you weren't born but made just an idea.
It'd be nice if teraphim hearts in general were made more like... desirable? More fluff/overt positioning of them as powerful magical artefacts would be good, just specifically so we don't get situations where teraphim are killed by other factions and the hearts left alone or outright destroyed (although the latter is also good rp, given what it means to do that to a teraphim).

I think it'd drive a lot of interesting stuff if people could use Teraphim hearts as mini-mini-mini chiron style things, give a chance to have teraphim be forced to steal them back from other factions, and give other factions beyond myllenoris a reason to actually want the hearts.
I've consider suggesting this in the past, but fuck it, might as well do it now. 1. Allow eventing for lost Teraphim PC hearts (Savael was killed, his body was discarded, and no-one knows what happened to it, for example), or 2. Allow Crystal hearts to return to the Vale when a Teraphim is killed, with perhaps rare circumstances that can prevent it.

As someone who also has a big part of their IC desiring to become a Teraphim, with (I think) very good reason, its terrible to have to wait for a PC to die, especially considering outside of war RBing is far more common. Just my 2 cents tho!
I like the idea of hearts returning ot the Vale after a teraphim is killed. MAYBE- MAYBE, if that is the case, Teraphim could be moved to a 220 race so that there isn't an influx of hearts that only gets bigger and bigger. Or maybe 1 in every 3 returns or something so that we don't just have a huge stack of hearts after a war or something
we actually had a discussion about this in admin chat a while back, where it was decided that there's no need for PC hearts & a teraphim ritual can occur every ten years/each generation, using the spiritual energy of the vale & a heart (NPC or otherwise), conducted by the high lord. this is meant to be extremely rare and reserved and is typically done if a high ranking teraphim requests it of their human consort

i think doohl just sort of forgot about it, then we all did, so it was never announced, but yeah. there you go
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