I think one of the smaller parts of E1 was the whole bookshelf system. However, it was rather odd that every nation got all the books. So, my suggestion is as such:

The bookshelf furniture piece can be used like a chest in which you can ONLY store written pieces of paper. This chest can be accessed by anyone. However only the owner can take books out or put new ones in. However, people who view the chest can still click into the books that are there and be able to read them.

Why I think this is cool:
-People love to RP a librarian. It was done multiple times, and gives scholar characters things to do.
-Books like Inante's cosmic one and others could be shown to the public.
-Adds an intractable wiki in-game, so the game becomes more immersive.

I understand that this COULD be difficult to code but still...

Maybe an easier way to do this would be to be able to make certain buildings 'public', where everyone can access chests and look at them, but not take stuff out. And just have a chest that looks like bookshelves.

That's all. 

Give us library rp.
Yes please. And maybe a ‘book’ craftable that is either a different sprite for paper, or something you can add paper to, made with leather/paper/cylion for binding, maybe?

Me and Notyel had a discussion along these lines yesterday, actually. Ingame books are perfect for biased history, religious texts, and other such things especially if the available books are on a bookshelf-by-bookshelf basis.
public bookshelves can have books added like in E1. it's strange that it's restricted to that? i've noticed that books in the church's medical room did that. it's strange. i feel like there should be a separate bookshelf like that for player housing. but i also feel like that system should be changed a bit.
[Image: cb9dd72403b90bae3d8fc519b5bd7c95.png]
See why I think each bookshelf should be its own chest rather than a shared one is similar to what Theori said.

One city may have a book about a subject with one perspective, the other with another. It's a perfect way to spread propaganda, or bias on things that happened in the past. One book could be commemorating lets say Asta, the other could be solely written from the perspective of an osronan citizen who saw her as a witch.

Like there is so much COOL STUFF you can do with this.
(05-27-2020, 03:23 AM)ry0un0suke Wrote: public bookshelves can have books added like in E1. it's strange that it's restricted to that? i've noticed that books in the church's medical room did that. it's strange. i feel like there should be a separate bookshelf like that for player housing. but i also feel like that system should be changed a bit.
the code probably processes "bookshelf placed by mapping" different from "prop bookshelf", i'd assume
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