Boneless PizzaProblem as an Alchemist
So I'm going to make this short but I wanted to point out a pretty lame issue alchemists have right now! Or, at least, an issue they have if they're like me and make a lot of different potions.

lust potion - 3 glowing mushroom
genderswap - 4 glowing mushroom
mana amnesia - 4 glowing mushroom
energy x - 2 glowing mushroom
fizzy pop - 5 glowing mushroom
jester juice - 1 glowing mushroom
charm - 3 glowing mushroom
white oil - 3 glowing mushroom
alchemy eyes potion - 15 glowing mushroom

These are all the things glowing mushrooms are needed for, an ingredient that isn't as easy to get anymore unless you have a nice big healthy farm. I wouldn't really have an issue with so many being needed for anything if not for the fact that you have more common ingredients like rope root, cylion, and alessa that just... aren't being used for much. They're everywhere but virtually useless right now.

My suggestion is basically a request that some of the recipes be tweaked to reflect the availability of reagents on the map. Give some of these reagents more use! It'd be a nice thought at least.
Honestly just bring back Alchemy reagent farming.
I can tell similar about cooking. Some ingredients are used more than another.
What's doubly annoying about alchemy eyes, is that not only does it take so much to make, but the skill it gives you doesn't do anything but tell you there are reagents somewhere on screen.
For me it doesn't even highlight anything.
Every time I use it, it's like playing 'Where's Waldo'.
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