Dunkedon.mp4Plasma Overcharge Fix/Buff
So from what it currently looks like, Plasma Overcharge (the opener for the Plasma magic tree) is outdated from Spires.

[Plasma Overcharge]
Basic - 30 RPP

Overload your Mana circuits with plasmic power that radiates upon release. Fire and Lightning spells are increase by 10 for 8 seconds.

This is the current exact description, and this is what it does from what I've noticed. I don't think this is intentional, but I could be wrong. I just think it's a bit weak compared to other things, and deserves to be updated, since Lightning isn't a pre-req for Plasma anymore, and is infact it's own special magic.

My personal proposition is to remove the damage increases, and make it an AoE of plasma fire, perhaps? Since the idea of it is already there and states, "Overload with plasmic power that radiates upon release", etc. Not sure what a good damage or whatnot for that would be, but I'd just like for this to be made a bit more useful, as it doesn't help much currently.
This came up pre-launch in a discussion and it was confirmed to be intentional (I believe it was said that the lightning was 'a nice throwback') but it does make it one of the worst spells in the game.
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