Method TMetal Lance Rebalance/Buff
So, I want to start this off by saying, I do love the concept of metal magic and the skills in it are really awesome in theory. That being said, Metal Lance, the 30 RPP opener for the metal tree needs to be rebalanced.

So, I went ahead and got some help from Cpt. Prinny and did some tests before I made this thread, but this is the short and sweet of it.

Metal Lance is currently a very underpowered skill, especially as an opener for a tree (So far, openers in Esshar have been fairly notorious for being downright awesome to compensate for their increased RPP cost).

Metal Lance is a 10Pow Linear skill that has a 15 second CD, and is supposed to leave a 5 second slow upon contact. As of the time of this writing, this skill does -not- have its five second slow, and I am willing to state that even with the slow, it would still be very underpowered when compared to similar techniques. Note: Metal Lance can tick twice -if- a target moves in the direction the lance is travelling, however this is an issue that affects all linear/line skills, so I'm not mentioning it.

In comparison, we'll start with Fireball, the Fire Tree's opener at 10 RPP (Fire Affinity is 20 RPP). It is a 8Pow Linear skill with a 3 second CD that inflicts burn damage after it hits. Fireball also travels incredibly fast when it is sent out, making it far easier to strike with than metal lance. In comparison, the burn damage inflicted by fireball increases its 8pow damage significantly, and it appears to be closer to 12+ pow worth of damage, when it hits.

In a completely different direction, we'll point towards Time's opener, Decay (30rpp). Decay is a 6Pow linear skill with a 14 second CD, a range that exceeds both Fireball and Metal Lance, and it inflicts a +10% Increase to enemy CDs as well as Slows your opponent for 6 seconds. The skill also travels as quick, if not quicker than fireball (I witnessed it striking an enemy from about 8-10 tiles away almost instantly), and if your opponent does not leave Decay's area of effect quickly, it inflicts about 6-8 ticks of 1Pow damage in quick succession.


So, in summary, I ask you all, which would you rather have?

A Basic opener that costs 30 RPP, gives +5 Pow(Fire Affinity), and a 12+Pow Immediate skillshot with a 3 second Cooldown.

A Seperate Specialization Opener that costs 30 RPP, and gives you a 6-12Pow  Immediate Skillshot with a 14 second CD that inflicts a 6 second Slow, increases enemy CDs by +10% and has extended range,


An Earth Specialization Opener that costs 50 RPP, gives +5 Vit(Earth Affinity), and a 10Pow Regular Skillshot with a 15 second CD that should inflict a 5 second slow. (Currently does not inflict the slow. I've tested).

Please give Metal Lance some love.
Edit: Showing a picture of metal lance in action, per request.
[Image: Metal_Lance.gif]
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