AlexHidden Names
(Before I begin yes this is a ripped/altered version of a similar mechanic from NRP)

The suggestion: Make character names hidden until they have introduced themselves.

A vague idea of how this would work:

- John Johnson makes into the game.
- A person who has not met them hovers over them, their name comes up as ???. 
- John says: "I'm John" in quotation marks in an RP or in white text.
- Everyone around them sees their name as John now (but not their surname unless they say it as well)
- People can set an 'alias', let's say his is Harry. If he introduces himself as Harry, that is the name people will see.
- People should be able to "toggle" their descriptions for people that don't know them. Or set up a different one.
- If another person says their name, it should change their name too.

Pros of such a system:
- Encourages people to rp with each other to some extent.
- Can prevent MetaGaming, if you are from a well-known family. 
- Ecourages people to describe each other a bit more then just go "Go talk to x person about this"
- Adds a bit of mystery into the game, and makes it more 'realistic'.

- Could pose alot of bugs if implemented.
- Unsure how it'll effect pre-existing characters. (Although this can be applied only to newly made characters, so slowly over time everyone is effected by the change)

(Unsure how popular such a mechanic would be, but I thought id throw it up anyway and see what people think)
Sounds like something from gmod hl2 rp, I’m all in
we are really turning into naruto rp
(08-15-2020, 04:38 PM)Hoovyking Wrote: we are really turning into naruto rp

Well... True. But its not as if its a terrible addition anyway. I hope no one suggests removing mechanical spells and turning this on a text war.
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