AlexRaid/War times.
Is it possible to have a little bit of our democracy back when it comes to picking times/dates for raids and battles? It is becoming rather annoying to get a random date, at a random time (Shifting from 5-7 est), with every chance to swap at the last minute.

Personally - idk how others feel - 7pm EST on a MONDAY is probably the worst time/date you could possibly imagine. I'm sorry - There is a reason wars/raids are saved for the weekends... I'm unsure how it being on a weekday is going to increase attendance.

Please give us, the players, the ability to vote for such things because RN its very "Deal with what you get".
I know not many people use planning resources like I do, but if you are interested, I would suggest this resource here that allows people to sign on with their name (or character name) and complete a small chart. The darker the color the more people are likely to be available during that time. Maximizes the people who can come!

Hope this helps a bit, just my two cents.
Mobile discord blew up my original post. I'm actually sad.
But I do agree with this. I believe that a more general poll should be taken to see when people are more likely to be available both weekend and weekday. Squishing all events to the weekend can also leave other events and raids and such being pushed back. There can be an overlap and I believe it's happened recently with the tournament and a raid? I do apologize though. The time was changed since Comcast nuked my area's wifi and it's been out since 10a CST or earlier. While I encouraged the raid to go on, it was kindly pushed back. My own actions then later enforced and justified by Irkalla's actions did cause the raid in the first place. For me to not be present is strange but I accepted either one! Like for Myradin to post the raid then suddenly not be available? I'm not sure but it's appreciated either way and I'm also very sorry!!
Regardless, mega poll to see what days and times players are likely available for public raids and events will be helpful to everyone and save the need for multiple polls regarding that fact? Or maybe one should be given every time there's a planned attack or event? Both feel like they can make things more smoothly and ensure that players are around for cool things.
[Image: cb9dd72403b90bae3d8fc519b5bd7c95.png]
As for this event in particular, it was pushed back due to the primary captor of the person being raided for not being available at the time. Likewise, with a faction that's as relatively small as the demons are, and given the general reaction the /last time/ a large force was met against a smaller force(even with ECs, as would be included in this one...), the consensus was to push it back so that the primary participants, the ones who SHOULD BE THERE, could actually attend and be there. In the effort of fairness for those involved, it made more sense and seemed more fair to push it back to a later date so Ry0un and others could properly attend.

That said, I'm pretty neutral on the whole 'let the players vote on when the raid happens' thing. To some extent I think the raiders should be able to push the date they want, but I also understand it from the other side and how things can line up in unfortunate ways.

Just some insight as to the above, anyway.
[Image: edbae8adc4cdc657c7307971b838ad95.png]

if anyone asks i got banned for sending /messages to people
I'm typing this from my phone, so bear with any typoes.

Back during pre-TS I (for a very short time) lead the Witch Coven and Moonfall. I became leader basically as the Order was declaring war on us, and had to coordinate and figure out when, exactly, the best war date and time would be. I, as a player and leader (this was before I was staff) spent about a full day, maybe two, working to organize when during the coming week would be best for both factions with the Order. It may have been slightly much overall, but it remains: it's entirely possible to coordinate when the best date and time for raids and wars and other stuff is, but it'll always will fall on the people involved with the raid to coordinate that- we as staff may seem omnipotent, but there's a lot we take care of behind the scenes.

Tl;dr if you want to coordinate what day for a raid/war/event is best for both sides the people leading both sides of the raid/war/event are the ones best suited to coordinate that for and between their factions.
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