TheHopscotchBest DM, Hipster
Character: Amaranth
Which Event: Salve Regina

Responsiveness: 10/10. Responses were VERY quick and snappy. Little to say elsewise; it was quick.
Balance: 7/10. Fairly okay balance, though I'm pretty sure that without chronos I would've gone down every round (black binding into shadow cannon [especially multiple times] hurts a lot). Not perfect, but suitable for a CoD.
Storytelling: 5/10. This is a solid split. On the one hand, there were some posts that were simply excellent. On the other, some were lackluster in addressing the RPs of the party to a major degree.
Fairness: 8/10. I'll give this a solid B grade. I have to say that the injuries felt slightly disattuned to the rewards, but not majorly so.

Overall: 7.5/10
Character: Sigismund cos Gardios
Which Event: Salve Regina

Responsiveness: 10/10. No complaints about any of that.
Balance: 7/10. The bosses were okay but I also noticed that as the fights came to a close, Hipster would just look at the no cooldowns button and break it into oblivion. I saw someone get shadow dashed into nonexistence. Not completely unbeatable but the last parts would just usually end with someone getting their bar obliterated if they got hit by one of the 10 shadow bindings that were thrown out. But this was my first boss on Eternia 3 so maybe this is just how they all are now? No idea.
Storytelling: 8/10. It was great but some parts of the narrates were just kind of strange to me. Probably really my own problem since I'm still learning stuff icly[and oocly]. Met an angel though, it was neat.
Fairness: 8.5/10. It was okay for the most part, the rewards were great and the injures compared to when I last played back in spires were laughable. I once got a -50vit nerf for jack shit on an event so this is great overall. Honestly, I felt like I needed to get my perm upped so I asked and he delivered. Had an actual IC reason for it but just- yeah.

Overall: 8.5. Pretty great for my first full[ish] event here. Wished I could stick around for the very end bits but time zones a bitch. No real complaints other than the bosses a bit in all honesty.
Key/Character: Taethion 
Which Event:
Responsiveness (Were their narrations posted within a reasonable time-frame and were they quick to respond?): 
Extremely fast, we had practically no down time at all.
Balance (How entertaining were the battles, and any obstacles/traps?): 
It's a Hipster event. If you're not spammed by 100 Ice Talons, then 50x blizzard stacked on itself then you aren't getting your moneys worth. I would say the balance was unfair if we didn't have about 5 ponds, 2 ygg trees, two holy magi, and 8 people with recover on their bar. I am surprised he didn't just party wipe us in frustration.
Storytelling (Did it feel like an adventure, did the content of the narrations meet your expectations?):
Phenomenal. The way he wrote the floor was extremely engaging. And I am not saying that because the piece of shit added a gambling twist to it that had morals thrown out the window and chaos ensuing. The ending was perfect, and the connection to our group as a whole was very welcomed.
Fairness (Were the punishments justified and earned, was the risk to reward ratio good?):
I very much like the rewards that were given. The punishment dished out was fair too. We almost hit double digits for perms inflicted aha.
Overall: 10/10
Any other comments: Fuck you for teasing me with gambling and showing the group ICly and OOCly how cursed this character of mine is.
Character: Lionel Avarion
Which Event: Ascent Through Aetius

Responsiveness (Were their narrations posted within a reasonable time-frame and were they quick to respond?): Good response times, very few points where we were left waiting for anything.

Balance (How entertaining were the battles, and any obstacles/traps?): Having to plan fights against the world's grossest sustain team is obviously difficult but the fights we got were the best they could be. Shame the server was dying at the time. I blame the fish people. 

Storytelling (Did it feel like an adventure, did the content of the narrations meet your expectations?): Very nice story tone, got to have a special snowflake moment.

Fairness (Were the punishments justified and earned, was the risk to reward ratio good?): I have no idea how to rate this yet as I'm not sure of how well the special resources scale but I didn't get permed so that's all that matters.

Overall: Very good/10

[Image: nudd67u.png]
[Image: Ou20Kwc.png]
Key/Character: Annalyse
Which Event:

Responsiveness (Were their narrations posted within a reasonable time-frame and were they quick to respond?): 
Incredibly fast, we barely had to wait at all in-between narrates.

Balance (How entertaining were the battles, and any obstacles/traps?): 
Unfortunate that the server lagged, because as the others mentioned, that really was the only thing holding it back- Given we were an overly gross healing group who could reach max health from nothing within seconds, it really felt like every second of the fight was dangerous and yet manageable. Very nice!

Storytelling (Did it feel like an adventure, did the content of the narrations meet your expectations?): 
It felt tailored towards our characters, at least a good few of them, but in a good way. Had plenty of lore and story-relevant commentary and an adventurous feeling to it.

Fairness (Were the punishments justified and earned, was the risk to reward ratio good?)
Incredibly fair-- We were as lucky as one could get, it almost felt like, and while you did deal me my first permanent injury in any event ever, I can't say I was disappointed with what I got out of it: Incredible character development and an awesome development item.

10/10 would do it again if given the chance

Any other comments:
I felt despair and fear as you stun locked me in front of the last boss, and then proceeded to kill me.
[Image: unknown.png]
Discord: Madsen#4678
Key/Character: Taethion 
Which Event:
Responsiveness (Were their narrations posted within a reasonable time-frame and were they quick to respond?): 
Fast as always, the setting of scenes quickly transitioned to.
Balance (How entertaining were the battles, and any obstacles/traps?): 
I will just reiterate with what I said before- it's a Hipster event. You think invulnerables will keep you safe for the fights, and they will, until he decides to chase you across the RPB with the sound of his whip racking behind you. I enjoyed it, I think the balance was fine.
Storytelling (Did it feel like an adventure, did the content of the narrations meet your expectations?):
Another interesting floor for us to enjoy, tailored once more to a majority of the group related to Lightgarde. I am honestly just glad the puzzle was instantly solved, because I am stupid and I would of died guessing away.
Fairness (Were the punishments justified and earned, was the risk to reward ratio good?):
Golden Shades. That's all that needs to be said.
Overall: 10/10
Any other comments: 
[Image: unknown.png]
Key/Character: Catalyst
Which Event:
Responsiveness (Were their narrations posted within a reasonable time-frame and were they quick to respond?): 
Absolutely no complaints here. Very reasonable, occasional delay but nothing thst shattered the event.

Balance (How entertaining were the battles, and any obstacles/traps?): 
Maybe I'm a minority but I'm not a fan of these style of RPBs/injury risk. The first EC wasn't as bad, though their gimmick of 'you can't touch me' for half the rpb isn't engaging at all to fight.

The second activated my almonds. Sitting in one half of the rpb box with fifty scorches up is a bruh moment. Throwing SFWs that deal 15k is a bruh moment. Flameslide spam that takes you from 90% to 40% is a bruh moment. Doing it all very intentionally in a tiny arena smaller than the RPB box? I felt griefed.

Literally watched someone get rooted and spam flamethrowered until they were dead. A literal 100-0 with no counterplay.

That isn't fun EC design in my opinion, but maybe I'm a minority. Unironically felt as though I'd just pulled the lever on a slot machine and prayed to god I didn't roll a 1, since each round you went down was a roll, take worst result. Down once and roll a 1? Perm. Down thrice and roll 6s? Healthy.

Storytelling (Did it feel like an adventure, did the content of the narrations meet your expectations?):
Story was good, though it feels awkward hard tailoring a floor to a specific faction when other people can come here later? Overall I liked the illusory beach that hid a nightmare of corpses. Very cool setting, no complaints here.

Fairness (Were the punishments justified and earned, was the risk to reward ratio good?):
Ehh... Maybe I was expecting something different from what I heard of the first floor? Half the loot was an item for some ele def. No cool dev mats otherwise, a bunch of high end ore but it had to be split among ten people. Couple of really cool uniques but I just wanted a cool dev mat man.
Overall: 6.5/10

Story and writing were absolutely fantastic but the EC balancing made me pinch my nose in exasperation.
Character: Varrach
Which Event: Unholy Ascension

Responsiveness: 10/10. Extremely fast, especially if you consider the scale of event and how many people went on it.
Balance: 9/10. Could actually make it a bit more challenging, as sometimes it felt too easy, otherwise EC's had clear gimmicks you could play around and not feel overwhelmed.
Storytelling: 10/10. It felt fast, but honestly again considering the size of party, I think you can't have elaborate stories with every single one; where it was afforded with time, it was done greatly.
Fairness: 10/10. We got exactly what we came for, and got challenged appropriately for it.

Overall: 9.5/10 
[Image: TfL47eY.png]
Character: Calamity Taranis
Which Event: Unholy Ascension

Responsiveness: 10/10. It was very fast, I loved it.
Balance: 10/10. It was great, but I do agree I was expecting some hardcore Hipster battles. Still very great. Im not complaining.
Storytelling: 10/10.I myself loved the story, considering it gave me a lot of great help with my IC development and it really helped put a little shine on my character when I got the last hit on that Hero boss. I enjoyed every moment of the event. Many thanks. And I ended up getting something that could actually help me with even more development for my character. Just LOVE it!!! 
Fairness: 10/10. Very fair. It was awesome. I even got a little nice burn injury.
Overall: 10/10 
[Image: unknown.png][Image: unknown.png]
Key/Character: Lyseroth
Which Event: Continued Ascent

Responsiveness (Were their narrations posted within a reasonable time-frame and were they quick to respond?): Hipster's actually fast with the narrates for the most part. Felt like the narrates were also taking into consideration what we were doing, like that egg having some effect on the battle that followed.

Balance (How entertaining were the battles, and any obstacles/traps?): Pretty good. Liked the food trap and all since it was kind of funny and fitting of the character involved in the event. Already remarked on the last battle but the battles outside of that were fairly entertaining. I think what you can do is bump the EC MD up a bit more, and the vit a lot more. Granted, our party as a whole was just stacked -and- large, with the forces in it being mostly heavy-hitters from the faction.

Storytelling (Did it feel like an adventure, did the content of the narrations meet your expectations?): I like the idea of seeing the plot tied to the past of the setting due to how the Tower is constructed. This one spoke of the Lightgarde at the very end but, I'm curious to see more of the Tower so I'll likely keep on climbing it with others just as well. I think the Tower has a lot of potential that people tend to not realize, and perhaps continuing with these Tower trips will glean more insight for the rest.

Fairness (Were the punishments justified and earned, was the risk to reward ratio good?) Drops were good. We've all gotten our fair share of the loot, some drops (the bones) appeared to be largely meant to be numerous ones but good drops all the same. I don't think any of us felt as if we didn't get what we worked for.

Overall: Really good, to be honest. I especially like how fast it was yet meaty enough that you could feel like you've gone through quite the ordeal. Despite complications, the two bosses in the final boss at the same time was a very novel idea. I'd give it a 10/10 still.

Any other comments:
Grand doors.

Pushed aside as what lay before this hall was nothing short of a feast fit for kings and lords alike. Hundreds of dishes scattered about, some half eaten and others left untouched by the passage of time. No doubt to the untrained eye it would look as though they were crafted by the hands of true geniuses - Practically brimming with their own life of mana and sheer excitement.

To someone much more culinarily trained?

It would seem the sole intent of this food is to energize and to keep the body moving. Mana which ceased to fade now pooling around the center mass of this table - Leaving but a single object stood present before this group and their banquet.

But one golden apple - Hidden away like a treasure behind a mass of culinary goods.

At the head of the table beyond that? Rest a decaying corpse sat upon their throne. Much as though they were watching this feast before them - Yet never touching throughout their afterlife.

All prodding on each side.

Each side looking only with caution. None even so much as daring to lay a hand upon the food or feast before them.
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