JoshuaAttack Gems
let attack gems be like runes in a sense that you can replace/upgrade them should you get a better one
maybe, maybe, add a t4~ artificing recipe to 'unsocket' an attack gem from a weapon (with a cooldown for the same weapon?) so there's some amount of opportunity cost to switching them out based on matchup

that's assuming that swapping them out regularly is something that's even... viable
i miss mouse so much
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me swapping from tri bomb to mana surge
changing gems midfight like

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[Image: nR3lU0X.png][Image: unknown.png]
Vriska Wrote: yeah having an MCU loki icon is pretty cringe huh
Maybe as something that's like, a 't0' appable technique for some like, masterworks/high tier weapons.

Other than that.

Orobaes "Scar of Hel"
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