WoolooCracking the Whip
Blood Whip: 13 sec CD, 11 spell damage, can apply bleed

Water Whip: 18 sec CD, 6 spell  damage, stuns, easily accessed in water tree

Vine Whip: 18 sec CD, 4 spell damage, stuns... Locked behind Nature access.

So yeah, not quite sure why Vine Whip got a 6 second CD nerf and is now essentially just a weaker water whip, but it did, and so here I am asking for it to get -something-. Nature does not carry a lot of direct damage in it's kit, and arguably Vine Whip is the most interactive of it's spells.

If cooldown can't be managed at lower amounts, it really does need more strength elsewhere. At the very least, 4 spell damage is shamefully low in general.
It stuns for roughly 2x the duration of water whip on a tree where vines, mandrakes, and blooms can all tear you up while you're stuck staring at your keyboard.

Though a more accurate reference is vine whip's stun is so long, a nature user with an orbs spell can nearly force you to eat every single tic before you can move again.
Ah, there's a stun duration difference? I really hadn't noticed it in the heat of things tbh. I might have to grab a water user and test it out then.

But even still, it's about a 2 second stun. It does not last the eternity you're describing. Orb spells don't particularly have a long duration and most hard CCs would have similar benefits.
Cries in Grapple Hook with barely any stun duration as metal's version of whip.

Just, please... Make Grapple Hook have a stun long enough for people to not get punished with a beam right after ;-;
Oh right. I forgot there was a fourth whip spell that is genuinely forgettable!

Yeah fix Grapple Hook. A short silence instead of a hard CC might be a good option for it!
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