Remove Rep from the forums
certain bad posters believe that the only reason anyone has a low opinion of them is, obviously, because their rep numbers are negative (or fairly low.)

this is not true.
i miss mouse so much
[Image: unknown.png]
Don't care too much about numbers on the internet.
[Image: cb9dd72403b90bae3d8fc519b5bd7c95.png]
(11-17-2020, 02:30 AM)ry0un0suke Wrote: Don't care too much about numbers on the internet.

(11-17-2020, 02:31 AM)Moloch Wrote:
(11-17-2020, 02:30 AM)ry0un0suke Wrote: Don't care too much about numbers on the internet.


[Image: nR3lU0X.png][Image: unknown.png]
Vriska Wrote: yeah having an MCU loki icon is pretty cringe huh
Rep is just a gauge of how funny a post is.

And whether or not Vriska likes your meme or if it is terrible.
(11-17-2020, 02:04 AM)Milly Wrote: Also just because someone got downvoted just means that people DISAGREE with the point.

I want to show a screenshot, but I don't want to feel like I'm calling people out. But there's more then a few threads where I can't really think of or find any possible way to 'disagree' with anything there. Because there is no point, it's just "Hey, this is happening". Do I think removing the rep system will change the culture of the forums to be better? Absolutely not. People find a way and a will to voice their words regardless. But we can't just pretend like people don't just downvote because they can.
Tbh I kinda would probably be finer with rep in some strange way if the colors were just changed, as red and green both create positive and negative connotations in the mind and having them both green or blue aka the same color would probably solve any problem's I actually have perhaps.
(11-17-2020, 02:36 AM)AbstractTraitorHero Wrote: Tbh I kinda would probably be finer with rep in some strange way if the colors were just changed, as red and green both create positive and negative connotations in the mind and having them both green or blue aka the same color would probably solve any problem's I actually have perhaps.

Making Rep go down to a minimum of 0 might work. Along with giving it a permanently grey color. Grey is naturally a color that doesn't provoke a lot of emotion. Alternatively allowing people to hide their rep and post's rep if they're the kind that don't like the CCP using the forums to decide their social credit score.
[Image: hail.PNG]
Hail Satan
I hope the person that downvoted me realizes I'm getting sent to the gulag now.
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