ChancePatch 2.4 Suggestion Thread
The ability to flash rings and amulets much the same way as you can sigils, except it gives the description (and only the description). Could be nifty. Additionally, possibly the ability to target someone and /view (or some such command) and have it list the description of their legs, torso, head, and shirt, without stats. 

I feel as if this would be an easy way of getting an idea of someone's appearance and overall vibe.
A notification to owners when Rent is close to expiration... Or helpers as well. Like a ping maybe.
“A scattered dream that's like a far-off memory... a far-off memory that's like a scattered dream... I want to line the pieces up... yours and mine.”
[Image: E5pyTrX.gif]
Is it possible to get either a /command for explaining what each stat does, or the return of the question mark icon from spires?
Founder and only member of the epic hat club
Remember, if the plan makes you lose your hat, then it is a bad plan.
The ability to shift + left click on someone to set them as a "Sub Target". Sub Targetting would do nothing except allow you to track the persons HP with a bar that appears next to the main target. This would make watching fights so much better I reckon.
Increase the range of Feral Swipes, or make them GCDE.
(11-22-2020, 09:41 PM)Apollo Densin Wrote: Is it possible to get either a /command for explaining what each stat does, or the return of the question mark icon from spires?

The question mark thing was butt-ass ugly and made adding/removing things from the display a massive headache. So instead I've made it so you can click the stat names for a description.

[Image: xsyqFuH.gif]

Mind you, I just used the old descriptions the code already had, which are probably out-dated, and it's only for the primary stats (I can add more, but I didn't want to write descriptions)
I will take it, should help out new people or just dummies like me who keep forgetting everything a stat adds to you
Founder and only member of the epic hat club
Remember, if the plan makes you lose your hat, then it is a bad plan.
Here's something that could be kind of cool.

-Remove Shadow walk publically from Shadow
-Add Shadow walk as an E on Umbral Cloak to give it use rather than just a 10rpp required aura for the intermediate. And to give it a better difference than just a similar Plasma but no extra tiles. (make E 45 seconds)
-Make Eviscerate 15 RPP instead of 20 (just a 5 rpp nerf).
-Make Umbreal Cloak and Shadow Dive (Not rush) 15 rpp each.
Give me STEAM magic. I want STEAM magic.

Steam Blast: three clouds of 5.5 spell damage, 14 second cooldown.
Steam Burst: More damage than flamethrower, applies a burn.
Boiler: Uses the Cloudburst sprite, it fires steam blast clouds a la sand barrier for 10 seconds (at a reduced rate ofc).
Vaporize (AURA): White time aura's cloud, 10% AP and water def. When you press Q you go into 'mist form' though it's only 80% DR while you get the same amount of damage as Smog. 60 second cooldown.
Steam Skurn: Spawns a skurn that can only fire steam blasts that do relatively low damage though at an equally low cooldown
Scald (INTERMEDIATE): Applies burn on your water spells for the next 6 seconds. 10% AP during.
Steam Dragon (MASTER): Like all steam spells, this is shamefully ripped from either fire or water magic. Rather than drag it applies a heavy burn DoT.
I think AP plus DR was the issue people had with Shadow aura. Maybe tone that to spell dodge chance instead since you're vapor?

50% Spell Dodge for 5 seconds?

I also don't think Scald would need extra AP since you're already doing extra damage on your water spells. And, given that water is a tree that has Rings of Malice and Dour Jav homings? As well as tidal wave? No thank you. Scald would be fine just applying the burn effect, at a lower effect duration, maybe 2 seconds.

I'd like to see a Geyser ability more than a steam dragon ability.

Vapor Geyser (Master/Intermediate): Not dissimilar to Magma's aoe range, Slows for 2 seconds before rooting those still in it. (signifying the knock up portion of a geyser). Or slows and knocks back, i dunno, take your pick. I think it'd be cool.
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