Jack KingpinHouse Rent Expiration Warning
Alright so, long post short. Just an indicator or warning based on the properties you own when you have one day left on it or not. Because Im pretty sure i lost a house just now that I had about 2 more days on, had a few items in it and someone else purchased it-- Either that or it's a bug. Either way, just something that sort of pings you to let you know one of your properties only has a single day left.
I feel like this is complained about a lot, and it's time something is done about it.
A warning a few days before your rent expires would be helpful.
It's hard enough to get a house, so when you lose one? It's kind of a big deal.
Even a trigger to ping on discord, or something.
I don't know how it works.
But I agree.
I've added this to my personal list of things to do, but I can't really say when it'll actually get done.
Done for next update, alongside the addition of /properties. It'll start warning you when you have 3 days of rent left, and warn you every time you login.
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