Oyster.master+ half shift variants

half shift is a decent aura for intermediate. it is also a lot worse than the 'top' auras of basically every other tree. i propose master (or beyond) half shift varriants!

what will they do? idk, more stats, or maybe they can change u wings to a color to suit ur element and buff it

maybe we can call it full shift
whats half shift current stats because if its 10/10 dr ap its still better then most auras in the game
Half-shift is still 10 dr/ap, yeah. It's still a very good aura, but I will say that the smart man would just be a human with +10 pow and 25 rpp to spend on non-racial things.
I support Mim's Drakan supremacy movement. Adding things to dev for in each race seems neat. Beyond humans, who are omnipotent Chads.
like i said in my original post, 10/10 is better than 'most auras in the game'

but that doesn't mean a damn thing because the top auras for most school are better

adding on top that human racial stats which are basically additional aura stats, since the trade-off is drakanites being able to buy this thing in the first place

and no, not full shift. ew
It would be really nice if it was a little bit better for the 25 roleplay point investment, but it's already in a pretty good spot.
i suggest not a buff, but an upgrade later on
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