Zatzu113"Way of the Samurai - To Reclaim Lost Honor"
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Samurai are noble swordsmen who swear their blade to their home land or leader.

The absolute worst thing for a Samurai to do is to turn their blade on their leader, especially if it's for selfish gain.

A request from a young heir to a noble family comes to the Elijah in Osrona.

The request is simple.

"My family trusted these Shengese warriors. They entrusted their lives to them. But they betrayed us for wealth and treasure. As the last remaining member of my family I ask of you: Please, help my family seek justice so that we can reclaim our honor and heirlooms."

Elijah has managed to track down information about a cut off group of the rouge Samurai that have been splurging their ill-gotten riches in a small town. With a group of trusted friends, the Osronian Samurai sets off to get more information on their leader and to deliver righteousness for their crimes.

Characters: Elijah + Cross Queren + (4 more IC friends or guild members) [6 participants max]

Risk: CoI

Tone: Fighting for honor, betrayal, Samurai vs Samurai, Adventurous, Action

Rewards: Dev. material for those attending.

DM: None right now. Currently looking.

Contact Info: ChampJ#6715

The Verdant Justice, Amanita, will attend!
"If you'll have me, I'll do my best to make certain my investment pays off...and that I don't fail you."

Azni Bliskim will attend!
"Can't be leaving my student alone."

-Nathan Hartz
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