One Stall/House Per Character
I really, really think that there needs to be a flag added that only permits you one shop stall, due to the fact that there are limited amounts of them. There are people that have several shops, named the same thing, in different parts of town as to monopolize on location. If this were Spires and you could just make them? Sure! But when they're static and you literally cannot sell items in a shop to gain money to buy a house to sell items in your house (which no one will buy because they won't go in your house), it's super seedy.

The two The Good Places, Suguri Foodstuffs, and whatever two shops were MOVED TO THE UNDERGROUND are examples of this. It is literally just not fair to own more than one if there are only a set number of them, as it is actively preventing other people from making money. 

The same should be done for the Messaris houses where people have bought a second one and locked the door just to use the farming plot so they can make money so they can fill their several shops with stirfries. It's gross, and this isn't FFXIV, can we like, not do this.
i wouldnt have a problem with such things if it was about making a monopoly IC, but almost every form of earning money comes from activities unrelated to RP so it really clashes when some guy who's been cutting wood for 3 days goes and buys everything so he can continue cutting wood all day.

i concur 1 stall per dude
Changes are planned but there's a lot to get through at the moment. We will be drastically expanding the underground market as a hot fix on the Friday the 13th patch
I dont think there needs to be 1 stall per character, I think thats dumb
I just think there should be a way to track who the stall belongs to and how long they have it rented for, so you can at least plan around their ownership or go to them directly and try to buy the shop off them or bully them into giving it up

Or if they dont stock the shop then they start to lose the rights to it because its just wasting space.
No, every player being able to OOC know who owns a shop is a terrible idea that will lead to metagame and toxic undercutting, and bullying them to give it up is .......... not ..................... a solution lol. Admins can see who owns shops, and it should stay that way.
Also re: one house per character, I think that should be an admin enforced thing.

Otherwise people wouldn't be able to have both a house and a place to own/work, etc.
[Image: qt6dQlw.png]
[Image: Fn81wCh.png]
Set it to, by default, people can only own one house/stall. Someone can apply to have a flag set on their character to do multiple, but this can be kept an eye on and punished if abused.

(12-06-2019, 04:49 AM)drea Wrote: No, every player being able to OOC know who owns a shop is a terrible idea that will lead to metagame and toxic undercutting, and bullying them to give it up is .......... not ..................... a solution lol. Admins can see who owns shops, and it should stay that way.

It isnt a terrible idea its an RP idea. Its not metagame to know who owns a shop, you usually cant secretly run a business. Someone knows whos supplying it and whos taking the money. And undercutting isnt toxic its RP, thats called competition and hard business practices. Stuff thats happening anyways even if you dont know who owns the shop
and bullying is a solution too, we literally have people trying to start mafias IC and your way literally gives them no option to have that RP

instead of extorting and being a mafia who charges protection they would instead be a merchant guild who just tries to get more people to buy up everything which would just turn the current problem into a multi-person version of the same problem. And the extortion and the undercutting gives the guards more things to do because it can become lawful issues.

Anyone should be able to see the owner so they can further their business and rp
Make it so you can explicitly label a house as a shop. I don't mean the click=description shit. I mean an icon change like a sign on the wall that makes it clearly noted as a shop. Give the player an ability to change the shop sign icon like they can a shopkeeps sprite. If players could have their homes be shops properly it would fix SO many issues with this.

Also the expanded market kinda nixes this problem entirely, but still.
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