How about this instead
Instead of every Unarmed having to go energy, how about we get a Aura that we don't have to go out of our way for. Maybe make it something we have to work for. Like a Intermediate spell only available at 150 that gives 30pow and X?and some special quirk like every other aura gets(Fire aura dash, water aura heal etc etc) Something like that.

Energy aura is still better, being you have to app for it. But atleast as a unarmed user I don't have to go -out- of my way to get an Aura. And its unarmed, it doesn't need a fancy sprite. Huamn essence has a blue mist version when you hold Z

Just give us that.
Armed melee doesn't have an aura either, I don't think you're ever intended to solo a single tree.

s h r u g
Let me tell you about my friend cosmic, energy, holy

There's a reason these trees are so popular. It's like the game is telling you to tbh.

I can't even blame the people who gonit, it just makes sense.
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