DanteriusAviusDeath Magic
So besides the submitted bug, Death Aura is a very sweet and cool aura fluff wise. Its really rare, I'm super happy to have it. Buuuut.

[Image: 8daa71547f4e16436500691e23cf9d63.png]

[Image: f3cab857fa7ba8544bd747ebcabb52ef.png]

It's currently giving essence shroud 10% power as its only stats. By no means am I skilled enough to be making blanket claims of overpowered or underpowered but this does seem a bit eh?

(To those wondering bout my stats and are unaware of Fae racials, they have +100 power and -15% DR, hence the jacked power and negative DR)
exalted lmao
you already know what it is

skill issue

(jokes aside this is sad)
"It's complicated because you'd be too strong with it."

man why does my mouth feel so dry
[Image: nR3lU0X.png][Image: unknown.png]
Vriska Wrote: yeah having an MCU loki icon is pretty cringe huh
With the last changes, Death aura is now using 20% of base power and no longer can be stacked. So it's much better, but I believe it was supposed to be going to 20% AP if I understood it correctly?

[Image: 4349c8ec37db2cb03ce5ff1440bdf90a.png]

There's the stats with only death aura active for anyone who wants to confirm.
While I realize its completely unimportant at this stage, on the off chance that someone else does actually get this soon, it's still at 20% Base Pow.
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