The Celestial Faith
As a preface, not trying to bash the iteration in the game now, I just feel like the Celestial Faith could have a lot more flavor in it and have a more in-depth hierarchy to make it a fun branch of the game to play in.

Purpose of Faith Clergy: As of right now, it is a little vague in what exactly the Faith is meant to do in this game. If it is to serve as a Holy Order that is similar to the Franciscans Order of Catholics, disavowing property and personhood to emulate a life of piousness - OR Is it meant to be an Arm of the Government with its own unique purpose?

Change: Make those of the Priesthood and Above act as Co-Judges/Lawyers in All Civil Trials, along with the Watch/Order. The Kingdom is meant to be partially a Theocracy where the Faith has a deep guiding hand in the affairs of the citizens within.

Hierarchy: Needs to be deepened to create a real interesting flavor for organization within the Celestial Church. Give real Power to the Upper Ranks, influencing Society.

Patriarch/Matriarch/Starseer: Make this Role a playable IC Sort-Of Pope, promoting Osric Durai from Stellus to Starseer, giving them the ecumenical powers to be the Government's Head of Judgement and Spiritual Affairs.

Stellus: Excellent position as is, flavorful and interesting. Give Golden-Flavored Clergy Robes. 

Cardinal/Bishop: New Position between Priest and Stellus, deeper Hierarchy for management flavor, High Judges that can prosecute Nobility and Equal-Level Roles. Give Red-Flavored Clergy Robes.

Priest: Change the name from Rector back to Priest. It's more sensible and defining of role. Allowed to act as Judges/Lawyers in Civil Trials. White Clergy Robes.

Deacon: Assistant-Priest, Sermons and Charity. Learn the Laws of the Kingdom to become Judge/Lawyer for Civil Trials over 2 years. Gray-Robes.

Acolytes: New Entries into the Celestial Faith Clergy, no duties but to learn the Codex Cosmos Histories/Lore over a 2 year program. Brown-Robes.


Headquarters: Most, if not all, the Faith Players can agree that the Church outside of the City Walls is sort of lackluster. It doesn't show us to be a Central Part of the Kingdom Government, as it's outside the Noble City, and it lacks Farm Land needed for the Church to supply for their Charity Drives/act as Monks, and lacks a flavorful Underground Section for any Catacomb RP/Faith going Dark RP.

Personal Criticisms:
  • Light Wood and Braziers makes it look shoddy. Refit the Church with Stone Floors, please.
  • Main Prayer Hall is too big to actually give Sermons. If you're at one end, you cannot even hear the people speaking at the other. Remove first two-three pews by entrance and create a Narthex ( )
  • Lack of Farm Land forces Players to disobey the Church Laws against personal property if we want to actually play out the Charity aspect of the Church.
  • Lack of Underground Section for Catacombs/Dark RP. It's unfortunate that this detail was overlooked, as it could have amazing potential in RP as time goes on. 
  1. If not refitted to make actually a decent structure with purpose, leave the Church and turn it into the Monastery of the Faith. Create NEW HQ, beautiful stone looming Cathedral, attached to or within the Petrakis Castle to show how the Celestial Faith is Core within the Kingdom's Society.
  2. The Cemetery to the East of the Faith Church, cut it in half and make Farm Land owned by the Guild.
  3. Create Catacombs Instance below the Statue of Azrael in the Cemetery.

Just my two cents. As a Player of the Faith, It would be nice to see the Faith have a place befitting them and a true place in Society other than 'those nice people that give out food sometimes'.

P.S.: Give ALL ADMINS the ability to spawn hoods and clergy robes.
My name is Bonedict Cumberbane, and I support this message.
I read deacon as "assassin priest" and almost flipped a table. One nice re-read fixed that.
Yo, Holy Assassins seem legit too. >.> Down to clown.
Giving the church some manner of catacombs or such would also allow it to be connected to the sewers for a bit of flair and potential fun on that front.

What I know of the tileset though I don't think a catacombs set up would be terribly do-able, or at least look good.
I like the idea of this, but I would like to state that while I love RPing with Osric Durai, I do believe there is likely an NPC head to the Faith, much like with all the other starter organizations, like the Order/Syndicate/Nobility.

I'm all for him getting a promotion if such a thing is even feasible as a High Priest, but I don't think there are any plans for pre-made organizations to be receiving in any PC leaders for the time-being.

But yeah, give priests farm land so they can grow crops for their priest charities and sunday pot lucks.
Please please please give priests judge capability.
I think it'd be rather cool to have a Catacombs/Sewer Underground at the Statue of Azrael. Doesn't have to be pretty, exactly xD Even the 'Aliens creeper tiles' would fit nicely, I think haha
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