Guild affiliated-housing
I seem to recall this feature in Spires, but nonetheless; I think we could really use housing that was assigned to a guild, in that a character would have to be a member of that guild to be able to purchase and use the housing. Whether or not this is kept up during maintenance is up to you, though I figure that'd be easy to clean out on a case by case basis. This could have a number of uses, all equally important!

For example, the Moonfall village looks snazzy a f and undoubtably has a theme with druids and etc, however if they were implemented as simple houses than anyone could run over and buy one. Including, idk, Caesar of the watch, who's afro spirit is not exactly one with nature or anything of the sort. There is no real way of policing this sort of thing naturally as is and chances are you wouldn't even notice, as people could just turbo back and forth and maybe get stopped if someone wanted to be hostile. With farm land being such a premium I think this especially has a chance of happening, but it's still cynical conjecture. In this case, a fix would be making just a blank Moonfall/Druid guild, giving them a chat ofc and then adding properly druidic characters to it as need be via adminhelp or so on.

For a less meta example, there's also our current guilds. I'm sure the knights and watch have a similar set up in their buildings, but I'm in the church so;
[Image: drInsrC.png]

This is one of the church dormitories, of which there are two. Spacious and spartan, but cute enough. However, outside of our constant medical RP they see little use, as they aren't rooms. Many members of the church own property for both storage and farming capability, so they can actually function in the game environment. However, what if they could instead get tiny "houses" consisting of each bed space, which they could then minutely decorate and more importantly put down a chest oh stars please storage. The same could be done with watch/knight barracks and anything similar. Make the dorms much more colorful and personalized! And usable. 

Beyond the main three this could be used for other situations, like noble families having their own individual rooms in their estates. Keep Joe Random out of the Pelleaxus manor and all. Instead of relying so heavily on proper housing we can use what we already have to actual practical effect.
Damn, I was almost in this picture.

But yes, I agree.
This is currently a thing and should be, with your current guild halls. The leader of a guild can own a lot, and can set members as helpers to give them access to the lot.

The 1 mill price buildings are ones you should be asking for (either by admin help or by forum app? I don't actually know)

Originally many buildings had a lot of "sublots" inside but they were for the most part removed due to any ability to enforce them being actually purchased by the overall lot owner.
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