Character: THE OWL
Which Event: The Masters Mistake

Responsiveness: 10/10. I don't know what else to say here, it really was just extremely snappy. Man read, too. Constant back and forth, it was like DND.
Balance: Pertinent to the premise of the event. It relied more on narrative intent/choices rather than fighting ECs, even if there was one by the end (we fucked up). Fight was fun, we all got ptsd perms.
Storytelling: Extremely rich and well directed. so long Arontus, you absolute fucking loser
Fairness: Another victory for The Owl

Overall: 10, a very pleasant surprise to me. I got home and was immediately taken on a cool hunt that so happened to hook into most of our relevant IC as of late.
[Image: comm_round_2_11.png]
Character: Leon vey Pelleaux
Which Event: The Master's Mistake

Responsiveness: Narrates were always coming in hot shortly after the emotes, and did seem reactive to what we were saying in our emotes.
Balance: Tough, but fair. Not entirely EC focused, either, which was a nice change of pace from most bounties.
Storytelling: Clear, concise, and expressive. Good room for character moments, good wayfinding dev, good plot hooks, and good mental illness perms.
Fairness: "Another victory for The Owl." (citation needed)

Overall: It was good roleplay, and will create good roleplay going forward. Literally the most I could've asked for.
[Image: characters-2-smaller.png]
Character: Yamanu
Which Event: Temple of the Elements

Responsiveness: 10/10 Had pretty much everything prepared, from posts to ECs.
Balance: 10/10 Fights were balanced, as were the choices in RP
Storytelling: 10/10 ON POINT!
Fairness: Each member got their very own dev item, so no complaints from me!

Overall: A+

Any other comments: Keep up the good work!
[Image: 220d1ea60641830ee91396a4c338af31-removebg-preview.png]
Character: Silvia akh Pelleaux II
Which Event: (Random City-wide Osrona Event!)
Responsiveness: It was on the spot... The narrations? Were happening moments after we finished resolving the first narration. So, very swift! But also not overbearing! 
Balance: Given... It felt like the monster had patterns? Despite the crazy power it had, there didn't feel like an outright. /We're not going to win this moment./ Which, is always fun in encounters like these. Honestly got shook hard af, when I saw people go down. Made it feel like it had real stakes. (It would've really had them. If people didn't roll so well.)
Storytelling: Random, but... In a good-way. What I presume to possibly be the main reward? Feels as though it's something that's meant to be a longcon sort of thing. Which I didn't even suspect to occur. Clearly? My character will no longer be able to forget this moment. lol
Fairness: Maybe a bit tooooo fair. But, osrona has a ton of healing & sustain. It's hard to not wanna try and see a few people fall. 

Overall: SSS

Any other comments: Rob's random narrations and introducing small dev items for people, without forcing them to make events. Feels like a very natural way to play the game. Thanks for providing the city at such a late hour. This golden gift. ;---; 
Character: Lucana
Which Event: Random Osrona Event
Responsiveness: Very fast. 10/10
Balance: Unarmed is still pain, especially when I'm hyper-offence with no sustain... but all the fights as a party were close, a definite 10/10
Storytelling: It was short, sweet, and I liked it. 10/10
Fairness: 4 dev items, arcanium, a tuned fish. What more could you ask for? 10/10
Overall: Fish/10, it was a very enjoyable thing to wake up to.
[Image: oPZC0g3.jpg]
Character: Walpurgisnacht
Which Event: Random Osrona Event
Responsiveness: Much responsive, very cool.
Balance: I was rpl 186.
Storytelling: Wacky woo hoo lizard sets off nuclear explosion in osrona arena out of ten
Fairness: I was rpl 186.
Overall: Neat event. Had fun. Good DM.
[Image: Drawing-1-sketchpad-1.png]
Character: Cheren
Which Event: Styx and Stones

Responsiveness: 10/10 for speed. I'm guessing alot of it was prepared beforehand with some tweaking for our actions, but the narrates were definitely good!
Balance: Personally, I enjoy longer, drawn-out battles with a high vit/lower-ish pow opponent for events, but the opponents fought here were pretty good. Swamp monster could've been a little slower, but aside from that, all's awesome. Or, maybe it's just me not being used to Cheren's moveset yet. 7.5/10.
Storytelling: 8/10 -  Very, very good! As someone who wasn't around for E1, it's nice to learn more about the Styx Plague, and about imperfect demons, the Philosopher's Stone as well. Injury I got tied in with later things in the story - culminating in a very fun PvP fight before the real big bad made themselves known. Overall, Good lore. Good story. Would take name-stealer fae on a date.

Overall: 9/10 hire this starman to host your next crypt-of-the-necrodancer-OST-titled event

Other Comments:
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[Image: unknown.png?width=471&height=473]
also, mpreg

[Image: eternia-amber.png]
Amber count: 693 (or 770)
Character: Virion.
Which Event: Styx and Stones

Responsiveness: Incredibly fast + prepared, even when put on the spot, he churns them out. Makes you feel inferior in trying to keep up.
Balance: Quite good, had no qualms with what was experienced thus far.
Storytelling: Attending a Rob event you expect a great story, I was put on as late-entry to his last one and quite enjoyed it. The event was well-written and so was this one. However, I only experienced the degree of his skills in this one. Able to warp and combine several things the participants want and put his own spin on it. The man is a creative genius, to say the least.
Fairness: Incredibly fair, everyone got a reward that they wanted without it simply being a cheesy copy-paste of their request. He also added some extra things and the rewards reflected the difficulty of the event. Rolls hurt but they weren't the end-all-be all. What you did IC mattered as well.. as we saw near the start.

Overall: StarMann or Rob, unsure what he prefers to go by, is the definition of a professional. Very respectful of others time in planning the date while also helping to be on-time when organizing things. Great event vibes, etc.
Given everything that happened, I might or not have forgotten to leave a review.. But, better later than never.
Character: Belfanur
Which Event: Styx and Stones
Responsiveness: The narrations were quick and carried out in detail, taking into account the actions taken - decisions made by the group. I had nothing to complain about! It was great.
Balance: Rob was very cautious here and remembered about our poor Armed Friends and I have to respect that.
Storytelling: Here we received what we asked for, the location we went.. The story behind this land, the remarkable impact from the actions of an empire of death and other intriguing details like the imperfect demon.. It had been a good experience and basically what everyone expected.
Fairness: Good! After all, we just had to pay attention and act correctly, that nothing bad would happen. The fights were fair, as were the challenges imposed and consecutively, the rewards received.. Nothing to complain about.
Overall: It was a great event and one that Rob put effort forward. It was a good experience and totally would allow him to place another elemental in my demon's body! Also, Domestic Violence gives you hiddens, remember this fact.
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You know what I'm about.

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