Peep 'Puff' TopiaCDR needs to not round down
Something bothered me earlier about hearing certain cooldowns so I decided to make a test character to see something.

Taking the following Cooldowns with 100 AGI, we should expect to see only a 15% reduction in cooldown.

Iron Fist - 15 CD
15% CDR  leaves it at 12.75

But it returns a 12 and, indeed, is 12 seconds cooldown when actually counting.

Axe Kick - 10
15% CDR leaves it at 8.5
Rounds down to 8.

Flying Kick - 14
15% CDR leaves it at 11.9
The game returns 11

I've tested this, there's no 'hang' or 'delay. It's legitimately just rounding down to the number. This is causing agility to give vastly higher returns then it should on low cooldown abilities.

It's, effectively, getting an extra full second when it's on an edge.

It's no wonder that everyone is going Agility when they're getting a crazy return on their CDR with low cooldown abilities. Why wouldn't you? It's effectively up to 20%+ CDR on some abilities!

In summary, tune down CDR.
I feel that spell cooldowns should appropriately be what their value is when reduced by agility to their lowered value is with decimal or at least have a round up/down function to at least create some middle ground.
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