KuratherisSpell Descriptions
1. Add right clicking the spells in a tome to see it's stats. Is this a conscious decision not to add? Because if so, why?

2. Add if a spell is GCDE to it's right-click description. Pretty much the same reason as above. All not giving all the information does for me is give me trouble in picking what spells I want, and makes it easier to make a horrible build(Being able to ask for non-starter refunds isn't much alleviation unless people are allowed to refund things themselves).

3. Add stats and details(like GCDE) to hidden spells on the wiki(Spells that aren't in a tome). To me it's really dumb to go for one of those by yourself without knowing everything it does, possibly a huge waste of time, and it's dumb to have to ask for everything it does. Your character is probably going to have an idea of what it can do(it's stats) by the dev rp for it.
This is, from what I understand, intentional to make an attempt at stopping building through meta and numbers.
well yeah but people just refund the spell if they don't like it anyway; may as well save the admins time and effort by just adding in the suggestion
New suggestion: Not EVERYBODY has to know what EVERYTHING does. Maybe it could be made where once you have just the opener you can see the stats and details of the spells. At least then you're locked into the magic you chose and can build from there(like you pretty much already can now with refunds).

I think it's terrible to not at least do that much. Otherwise how is anyone going to know half the time if a spell is useful for the combination of magic they've chosen? Nobody wants to get a spell and it turns out it isn't what they want or thought it was(which has happened to me 3 times now on one character). You can easily make your character pretty much unable to fight by doing that. Then you've possibly wasted a ton of your time and/or have to ask an admin to refund some.

With things costing more now, especially with the stupid openers, there's even more emphasis now on picking good spells for your character. Maybe you guys somehow thought it would lessen the emphasis on builds or something, but it certainly did the exact opposite for me. So it's just even more frustrating not knowing what anything does.
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