WhateverMore alchemy recipes
It's no secret that Alchemy has been gutted. It's still arguably a very good money generator, but it has lost much of its utility with the removal of the likes of Stone Skins, Swiftness Potions, Smoke bombs, Tillers joy, etc. Drop rate nerfs also contribute to it becoming the more difficult and time consuming money making method. Let's think of a few more recipes to make up for its lacking new content. 

Alchemy Resistance: Allows two potions to retain their effects when the user is a seasoned Alchemist.

Ghost step: A Recipe that is a precursor to an Invisibility potion. Grants immunity to /scout but does not affect your sprite, so people will know if you pass by. Cheaper to make than an Invisibility potion.

Temporary Stat Boosts: Raises a certain stat by X points for an hour or so, used for battle.

Angelic Voice: A Tier-1 alchemy potion requiring event-resources. When a person drinks it their voice resonates a calming power and all outward hostility is lost. You may not be attacked by anyone in a scene as long as you yourself have shown no outward hostility. Allows a free escape from a scene if no one has been hurt or taken against their will. Effect lost if hostility is shown or you attempt to stray beyond the potions limitations.

Shielding Potion: Adds a regenerating health bar overlay with a set amount of HP damage it can take to a point. Added sustain in the form of damage prevention, think like Holywater shield but weaker.

Alchemists Vision: A potion that reveals the spawn locations of reagents that have already been picked.

Shapeshifting Potion: A potion that temporarily changes the characters appearance. Allows name, gender and visual age to be changed. Effect lost in combat.

Elemental Touch: A potion that grants the user temporary access to a limited number of spells from a certain element for an hour. Only low to mid-level spells and the potion cannot be used again for 24 hours.

Transformation: When ingested this pranking potion can turn the user into a random animal or object for an hour. Could be a chicken, could be a piece of wood. Potion wears off when the user is attacked.

Cosmetic Beauty: A potion that, when ingested, can cause the user to appear to others as their ideal match for 24 hours. Can reveal how depraved certain people are based on what they see.

Jesters Venom: A more advanced version of Jesters Juice. When someone drinks this potion everyone in hearing range must laugh at whatever joke is told by them, regardless of how funny it is or not.

Magi Nectar: A potion that, when ingested, allows the user to see how powerful another mage might be based on their outward Aura.

Mana Regeneration: When consumed, for an hour the user regenerates Mana at twice the speed.

Deaths embrace: A Tier-2/1 potion that, when ingested, slows the users heart for an hour. They will appear in the deathbox, their spirit teetering between life and death. Grants the chance to roleplay with people there. Most memories are lost upon returning, save for those approved by admins.

Etc. In general more fun or mechanical-orientated potions.
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