ChanceMeranthe Auction House
All objects are soon to be delivered... [Make a ticket if you've yet to receive an item you won! They're all ready.]
You can bid on a MAXIMUM of three separate targets total (and one at a time, of course). If you do not secure an object after this, you cannot bid on a fourth. You're still eligible to enter the raffle however.
Another exclusive preview leaves the auction house...
(It is likely that more items will be added and what's seen here will change before bidding begins on Tuesday 5PM EST.)

Lottery Ticket
Price: 20,000c (Max of 5 tickets per person)
Enter a prestigious raffle for the chance to win big, including the legendary starstone, a Chiron. There are FIFTY prizes to be won! Rare ores, unique materials and other various magical objects. You can even win multiple objects if you're lucky!!! Or nothing.

You can purchase a lottery ticket AFTER attempting a bid on an item first. There is no limit to availability. (But you cannot win a bid item and also purchase lottery tickets, of course)

Starting Bid: 30,000c
Est. value: 100,000c
A spectral, wispy flower. It is rarely found wthin the physical plane, as it seems to only grow where the leylines of Eternia converge with the netherworld. On full bloom, an Aetherblossom is far more potent (and unstable) than even the golden dust of a fae, and is used in demanding alchemical recipes and rituals.

Starting Bid: 30,000c
Est. Value: 100,000c
Forged of rare moonstone and mythril in a pure silver radiance. Moonlight dances across the blade's surface, glinting with an elegant refinement that makes the chilling whispers of the moon reverberate in a silver hue with each swing of the moonblade. Heavier and more durable than arcanium, the refinement behind the moonstone and mythril alloy allows it to seemingly be a well-balanced blade."
(Armed Weapon - Heavy Greatsword)

Black Oil
Starting Bid: 30,000c
Est. value: 250,000c
This concoction is similar in recipe to the fabled White Oil potion, a careful blend of rare ingredients to produce the ultimate regenerative remedy. Unlike the venerated, sought after elixir, this brew is harkened black with a devilish coloration and attraction within its ornate, glass bottle. Only one who has endured significant trauma and physical pain may reap the benefits of this cursed potion: one who does so while in good shape will find that it devours the flesh, like pouring acid upon the skin. Testing would reveal as much: broken, dead tissue is repaired while the living is burned.

The Black Diadem
Starting Bid: 30,000c
Est. Value: 200,000c
Made from what appears to be ordinary stone and enshrouded within subtle hints of a violet glow, these horns, resembling those of a Drakanite upon an ancient, worn circlet, are rumored to carry a presence that quickens the pulse and threatens to ensnare the mind, so bringing with it a compulsion, an irresistible urge to place it upon one's brow. Unearthed from within the eastern temples and ruins of Meranthe, the salvagers who retrieved the artifact found its mere proximity too overwhelming and maddening to bear. Their incoherent murmurs spoke of Fel influence, whispering of the Black Dragon. An allure that must be treaded toward with caution; for both promise and curse coexist within, just waiting for one bold, or perhaps foolish enough to claim them."
(Head Slot - Felfyraxes)

Pantheon's Goldbloom
Starting Bid: 30,000c
Est. Value: 150,000c
Once a mundane flower has bloomed gold with the Authority of the King of Kings, its petals shimmering in waves of light, like the flashes of a storm. This aetherblossom contains traces of the aether that was present during Jokul's Invocation and the presence of Enarr and Gala; the purity of life, blooming, unable to be corrupted. It feels warm in your fingertips, comforting and empowering at the same time. Despite the softness and fragility of the petals, even absent of water, it will never wilt.
(Grade A - Shield Slot +Power)

Ancient Potion of Youth
Starting Bid: 30,000c
Est. Value: 200,000c
An old, lost recipe. It is rumored to wind back the years, rather than grant temporary reprieve.

Iris - The Rainbow's Longbow
Starting Bid: 30,000c
Est. Value: 150,000c
A vibrant, decorated bow that emanates a faint glow, containing the essence of the rainbow within it. The unique phenomena that symbolizes messages of love. Bright pink roses bloom from the golden handle, and each magically charged shot from the bow leaves a streak of color.
(Weapon - Special Attack: Prism Beam)

Starting Bid: 30,000c
Est. Value: 100,000c
This sword's metal is unlike any other. It responds to the user's emotions, bonds with them, and forms a persona of its own that may resonate with its wielder in psychic harmony. Body, soul, and sword become one. Forged by the Djinn Dyaus Prithvi and his two helpful blacksmiths, the 'living steel' alloy is the key to its unique properties. Made of a dream, and dreams can die: attempts to reforge, corrupt, or heavily modify the sword once it has fully taken shape can backfire and result in the destruction of the sword despite its durability.
(Weapon - Armed)

Lightspeed Glasses
Starting Bid: 10,000c
Est. Value: 50,000c
A pair of stylish glasses. While focusing one's mana, you can read at thrice your usual pace, heightening one's aptitude for study. Soulbound to the eyes on wearing. Also improves your eyesight if you're visually impaired!

Spidersilk Shirt
Starting Bid: 10,000c
Est. Value: 50,000c
Famed in Atrellya for being the most luxurious material their Demons produce, the silk of the Spider Clan is so flexible and strong that it is highly saught after. Wearing fabrics made from it is a rarity among Demonkind, and near impossible for mortals to acquire due the battle required. The occult does not taint the silk but it is integral to its makeup, flavoring the garb in that manner.
(Shirt - +Agility)

Starting Bid: 10,000c
Est. Value: 60,000c
Atop the highest cliffs, closest to the stars is where one can find this new breed of flower. Rare it is, however, and oft times dangerous to locate - it will only bloom under the clearest of night skies, once very ten years. It's shape is naturally reminiscent to that of a classical, drawn star - yet the glow it gives off is quite like the balls of gas in the sky. As such, there is the smallest, smallest portion of heat that emanates from it, and cosmic dust gently falls off the petals when moved.

When planted amongst other, typical ordinary flowers, one will notice they all begin to emanate that very same glow. Like it's purpose is to enhance, and to allow room for others to grow.
A nature magi would see to it that this flower does not die out; how rare it is, one of it's kind. A cosmic magi would see a bridge and chance to deepen their connection to the stars.

And yet...

It is a combination of above, and below. A gentle marriage of earth and star.
(Shield Slot - +Nature/Cosmic)

Vdalish Broken Amulet
Starting Bid: 10,000c
Est. Value: 100,000c
An amulet wrapped in adornments that belong to Grimnir's own ancient Vdalion. Said to have been worn by the Grimnir's closest Counsel, these kind of Amulets were known for containing a singular droplet from Ymir's spring, before the Oniborne Revolution came to be. However, many years have passed, and little can be found out regarding these artifacts of the past without close study.
Perhaps somewhere within this worthless metal, as it is now, rests that vaunted droplet from a fountain that has not been seen in years since then.
(Amulet Slot)

Deadman's Pearl
Starting Bid: 10,000c
Est. Value: 50,000c
Found in the clutches of a skeleton serving under the Sanctioner, this pearl radiates an unholy aura. Holding this pearl fills you with an everlasting sense of dread, as if tomorrow will never come. A viridian hue coats the sphere, when within the presence of light it seems to drink the source dry.
(Amulet Slot - Necromancy)

Adaptive Branch
Starting Bid: 10,000c
Est. Value: 60,000c
A branch that seems to be defy the laws of the world by constantly being able to change its physical form within every five minutes. From turning into a gas to liquid before finding itself to be a regular solid form once again, making it quite difficult to even properly grasp it. As result of its unstable nature it is been stored inside of a adaptive runic comparment. Allowing it to be fully stored without having further issues.
(Grade B Special Resource - Apply to a weapon for +ele pow)

Adaptive Slime
Starting Bid: 10,000c
Est. Value: 60,000c
An unusual, ichorous substance that's semi-sentient. It was produced after years of trial and error in an alchemist's lab, and has a rubbery, repelling texture, highly resist to both the cold and the heat. It can adapt to the elements and gains resistance against them.
(Grade B Special Resource - Apply to a chest plate for + fire/water def, and + ele def of what it's attuned to.)

Stone of Twilight
Starting Bid: 10,000c
Est. Value: 80,000c
Rare ore found occasionally amidst arcanium deposits along the equator. An enchanting blend of midnight blue embodying the night, accompanied by the bright gleam of gold which cuts through the other half, embodying the day. Melding the two tones together is a deep purple along the middle, which is where its name comes from. It has a slight pull to it, as if it's bringing two unlikely opposites together, perfect for harmonizing and finding a proper magical balance when artificing. The quality and durability of the oddly colored metal is a rival to arcanium.
(Special Resource +Power, Meta/Ether Def, Shadow/Light Pow)

Starting Bid: 10,000c
Est. Value: 80,000c
A chunk of silvery-white ore, resembling arcanium in its base components. Mirror-like in gleam, one can almost see the outlines of the soul when staring at it long enough; this divine-touched ore is embedded with the potential of dualistic ether, holy light and occultic darkness combined in a harmonious dance.

When applied to a weapon, its silvered shine ignites into a barely-visible, pale flame.
(Special Resource - Grade B - +Power, +Holy/Occult Pow, +Soulbound)

Clearstone Aetherite
Starting Bid: 10,000c
Est. Value: 80,000c
A small, palm-sized shard of pure, clear aetherite. This crystal mass has the affinity of aether in its rawest form; untouched and as natural as the air we breathe. Its properties are most suitable for defensive purposes given the rich quality of magic contained within.
(Special Resource - Chest - +Vit/Meta Ether Bio Def)

Blood Copper
Starting Bid: 10,000c
Est. Value: 50,000c
A rare copper that has a dried blood coloration. It is highly conductive, making it ideal to add to weapons or items that need focus by energy or lightning mages. Occasionally veins of it appear next to copper, and separating one from the other can be a difficult process.
(Special Resource - Weapon - +Lightning/Energy)

Starting Bid: 10,000c
Est. Value: 50,000c
This small fragment of greened ice emits a strong, salty odor like an ocean shore. Its surface is irregular and rough, marbled with white veins. A simple process of grinding will yield a sparkling, rough powder ready for use. It can only be found within the Gotaal icebelt. Coating it with an object is said to grant frostbite inducing properties.
(Special Resource - Weapon - +Ice)

Nyphadora Plushie
Starting Bid: 1,000c
Est. Value: 10,000c
A plushie of an Occult Fairy that radiates a faint aura of magic. Its appearance is simple, yet there is something enchanting about it that draws you in. You can't help but feel that there's more to this plushie than meets the eye.

Ring of Airwaves
Starting Bid: 10,000c
Est. Value: 30,000c
A ring that grants enhanced control over airwaves, from the frequency to the noise. It's fitted for the index finger.

Ring of Temperature
Starting Bid: 10,000c
Est. Value: 30,000c
A ring that grants enhanced control over tempature, to heat and cool. It's fitted for the middle finger.

Ring of Illusions
Starting Bid: 10,000c
Est. Value: 30,000c
A ring that grants enhanced illusionary perceptions and protections. It's fitted for the pointer finger.

Ring of Nature
Starting Bid: 10,000c
Est. Value: 30,000c
A ring that grants enhanced control over plantlife. It's fitted for the pointer finger.

Weighted Wrist and Ankle Bands
Starting Bid: 10,000c
Est. Value: 30,000c
Nyeshk bands, amplified in weight, to add an extra level of strain to a martial artist's training.

Silver Beherit
Starting Bid: 1,000c
Est. Value: 10,000c
An odd egg shaped silver object. Several of them have appeared across the country recently. Their purpose is unknown.

Starting Bid: 10,00c
Est. Value: 30,000c
An incredibly delicate bottle that contains an ever alight spark of lightning that strikes against the crystalline surface; contained it cannot do much and if the flask is open all of the energy will discharge likely injuring whoever holds it but perhaps a skilled artificer or alchemist could make good work of such a material.
(Grade C)

Azalea's Bath Water
Starting Bid: 1000c
Est. Value: 100c
The bath water of the Primordial of Harmony?! How did this end up here...

Suncast Fȳr
Starting Bid: 10,000c
Est. Value: 50,000c
This pendant appears to be made in the image of the sun, a dragon haed in the midst with golden fox tails surrounding it, paying homage to the Dragon God Aeledfyr and the Nine-tailed Fox Jiuweihu. Named for the very fȳr that lit cosmos ablaze, this sun-anointed amulet represents the signalling of a new day and the work that is ahead.
(Amulet - +Power, +Holy)

Golden Beetle In A Jar
Starting Bid: 1,000c
Est. Value: 5,000c
An odd golden beetle contained within a glass jar.

Doomseeing Goggles
Starting Bid: 1,000c
Est. Value: 5,000c
A pair of goggles, cracked at the glass. An ominous feeling comes from this particular object; you know for a fact that if you put it on, you will see something terrible. And yet, all the same, would seeing the doomed future not enable you to do something about it?

Spell Scroll of Arcane Truth
Starting Bid: 1,000c
Est. Value: 10,000c
After use, compels the target to tell the truth for one-hundred and eighty seconds. It takes about five seconds to properly cast.

Spell Scroll of Arcane Stasis
Starting Bid: 1,000c
Est. Value: 10,000c
After use, can place an object, person, or something else into stasis. 
(Can prevent flee rolls; useful during an event too.)

Spell Scroll of Arcane Contracts
Starting Bid: 1,000c
Est. Value: 10,000c
After use, the caster is able to form an Arcane Contract as if they had a grasp of order magic a single time.

The Book of Kraus
Starting Bid: 1,000c
Est. Value: 25,000c
An antique tome that contains the scripture of the Order of Kraus, written by Valmasian Whitecloak scribes in the year 805AC. Within are the Gospels of Lodeus, Kadthar, and Althus.
The Auction House's lottery contains an outrageous fifty-eight objects! As mentioned above, you can win multiple items; your tickets will be assigned a unique # and a live draw will occur in-game!

The Starstone, Chiron
Aquamarine - Signed Original
Terra Firma Fiesta - Signed Original

Mestra's Voice of Spring
Vdalion Helmet
Elzaran Long Bow 
Seer's Eye Pendant

Rainbow Mana-Absorbent Egg (x5)
Green-Dotted Mana-Absorbent Egg (x5)
Sunset Mana-Absorbent Egg (x5)
Polka-Dotted Mana-Absorbent Egg (x5)
Striped Mana-Absorbent Egg (x5)
(Gather all five and they combine into ???)

Prism Ring (x5)
Golden Vanaheim Wool (x5)
Basilisk's Poison Extract (x5)
Wyvern's Scale (x5)
Cold Iron (x5)
Spotted-Green Puffball Mushrom (x5)
Begins at roughly 5PM EST today. Will be open for 24 hours, then a brief period of live 'final bids'.

On the day of the auction, various merchant vessels are sent to the great nations of Meranthe and other locations of wealth. They set up runic holopads that allow long-distance presence and interactions, though the crowd at the Archmage Headquarters is vast already and many will choose to attend in person to enjoy the sights and festivities. These merchant vessels will nonetheless help to middle-man the bids across the country by validating the coin and such, then once the transaction is complete the desired object will be sent via parcel some weeks later.

Quote: Wrote:Your Name: 
Target Item: 
Bid Amount:

1. You may only bid on one item at a time. You bid by posting, including your character name & amount of coin, and your bid must be at least 10% higher than the previous one.
1b. You can bid on a MAXIMUM of three separate targets total for the duration of the Auction (and one at a time, of course). If you do not secure an object after this, you cannot bid on a fourth. You're still eligible to enter the raffle however.

2. If you're outbid on the target item, then you're free to immediately bid on something else. You cannot withdraw bids. You're locked in unless outbid, so choose carefully.

3. Only bid if your character actually has the coin available at the time of your post (on your character or within a chest you own).

4. You should not be sharing coin with another to maximize chances of success; your coin is your own once you place a bid. For all purposes that coin 'no longer exists' once it's the leading bid of an item.

5. You may respond to bids with in-game action after the auction concludes, but not during. 
5b. You may bid using a valid disguise alias, the disguise you own directly. It must NOT be a name that doesn't exist.

6. If your character has not been actively roleplaying for at least the past few weeks or more you're not permitted to bid or use a middleman to do so for you. This includes passing off coin to help others.

7. Do not try to raise coin via OOC methods during the Auction, such as asking people via Discord or in LOOC to give you it. This extends to things like sub selling too. It's acceptable to organize ICly as a guild or faction but let's keep it to Say and RP only.

Anyone found to be in violation of these rules is subject to any or multiple of the following punishments,

1. Chest/coin wipe on all characters/keys
2. A temporary game ban 
3. Revoking the bid, goes to another at a discounted price
4. Banned from the Auction House, coin fine (debt)

If you suspect someone is in violation of any of the above rules, be sure to ticket and report them with detailed information. You might gain a small social credit bonus (coin) if action is taken.
Your Name: Yi Su
Target Item: Suncast Fȳr
Bid Amount: 15,000
Quote: "Ryujin is my idol please don't outbid me I need this!!! I will be his revitalizing blaaaaaaaze!"
Your Name: Xiao Amamiya
Target Item: Starflower
Bid Amount: 40,000
Quote: My daughter’s going to love this~
Your Name: Victoria A. Kasca
Target Item: Nyphadora Plushie
Bid Amount: 1,000 C
Quote: "I'd like this, it's cute."
Name: Aaliyah Tal
Item: Deadman's Pearl
Bid Amount: 10,000c

'An obvious first grab.'
Your Name: Ezra Ueda
Target Item: Weighted Wrist and Ankle Bands
Bid Amount: 10,000
Quote: "These'll help me train my body AND my gravity magic!"
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