Spell Balance Suggestions
You know that's true I didn't think about thief stance.

If you do that (i.e: change the DR to 70%), I'd suggest adding cc immunity to shadowwalk.

[Image: qt6dQlw.png]
[Image: Fn81wCh.png]
For anyone that says you can't be slowed in shadow walk hasn't used shadow walk.

Prove me wrong.

As a matter of fact. Slows persist before, during, and after shadow walk.
you dumb idiots

i would much have cc immunity on shadow walk than a speed boost

fucking metaluseriwon'ttellhisname rooted me with his marble grasp, then stunned me even though I used my immunity. It didn't do shit beside avoiding 2-3 ticks of the chains.

yeah, i still got fuckin combo'd from 100% HP to 60% with shadow walk, grrr

Mistform is the superior immunity

also you can't have shadow with every build. you either need occult or illusion (at least a 30 RPP investment before even considering to get shadow)

tl;dr : you suck at pvp, water form > shadow step

tl;dr2 : i'm totally not biased at all, and totally am not defending my build.. ahahaha, loser

tl;dr3 : nerf me and I'll metagank all of u (this statement may be sarcasm)

edit : anyone who downvotes me is dumb, our first winner, EoD
[Image: 2426fe3483bc1cc0f519953d9baf2075.png]

Lmao why trent complaining about shadows when this is in the game

about time slow?
I think it is particularly silly to advocate for CC immunity on a tree that takes very little skill already(trust me, I've had it...With light, it was quite easy to perform outstandingly well with shadow). And this is also coming from somebody who has an invulnerability that is stationary, that got nerfed to 34 seconds, and is also affected by CC immunity.

Asking for compensation on a tree that possesses 50% dr on a 35 second CD, an immunity, a teleporting knockback, and a low cd knockback is quite asinine imo. If I'd ask for anything...

I'd just ask that the cooldown on Shadow's aura be raised back up.
(05-16-2020, 10:24 PM)ilio Wrote: so...

about time slow?

shhh.... it'll all be over soon....

[Image: 200.gif]
[Image: qt6dQlw.png]
[Image: Fn81wCh.png]
10% ap and a 3 second dr shield kinda ass for an aura anyway.

Every other aura in the game provides more stats towards raw damage/defense anyhow. There'd be no point to use the aura if the CD on the shield goes up.

edit: nerf that aura bruv, think i wont buy camo?
i think shadow deserves a buff

shadow claw sd should be 15

eviscerate's should be 25, i really feel like it's underperfoming, add slow + bleed to it. claws and all, it makes sense, y'know duh

shadow step's immunity, make it go to 8 because magma
it must keep it's speed boost
also make it a cleanse, cc immunity
and lower the cooldown to 10

the aura i don't use, but i think 25% ap is reasonable
with 20 agi/crit and 20%dr
That's kind of silly to say that a 50% dr shield on an E is ass....Especially, if it's already on a low cooldown. You're chopping off 50% of someone's damage, friend...Especially, if they're preparing to combo you. Shadow's aura, as of now, is quite amazing. It'd be less so if they nerfed it back to its original cooldown.
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