(04-09-2021, 06:42 PM)Carbon Wrote: People are getting hella triggered over this it's kind of funny.

I agree that the Mire wasn't optimally put into the game, and what seemed to be an afterthought in comparison to the Academy arc. There have been plenty of monster/create factions before so I don't see why a similar thing could not have been done again? Labeling them as ECs, but not really, and then making it public was a horrible mistake. They were presented as ECs but had the accessibility of PCs (As in anyone can make into them).

I'm not sure why the Shadowmire tilts everyone, being the edgy monster yeehaw is kind of appealing to newer players for some reason so it makes sense that newer, less experienced players choose it (A horrible, horrible, mistake.) However, why all the hate? Most, if not all, of the high-RPL monsters are amazing fun to RP with and exist solely for the creation of RP and dev for those outside of the Mire. You can't start hating on an entire faction because of OOC experience/poor handling when added to the game. The players are doing what they can, with what they have. Also, I also don't think it was possible to put in a PUBLIC race and not expect them to form some sort of faction together.

I agree that most monsters should be locked behind an app wall. However, I do think there should be at least 1 public race that people can make into. Be it Mutant but nerfed or w.e. The Shadowmire tries to push a story internally and externally to the entire population of the game. I don't think there are many players that can say that they haven't had an interaction with the Mire, be it good or bad. Yet from what I see? It's mostly all good for dev/story progression.

Adversity as a whole? I think the skill is kind of broken, and heavily misused by some of the Mutants in the Mire. Just because a skill is hard to use, doesn't mean it's bad.

People get upset because Mire players will swear up and down that their racial are bad when it's just skill issue.
(04-09-2021, 06:34 PM)Avee Wrote: Chance advised I kill people who casually wandered in, I'm sure you're all familiar with the drill, 2v1 etc. etc. -- I never encouraged this, as it ties into the above, there is no depth to that plot, there is no true development to be garnered from it.

Just to clarify this since it reads somewhat bad, this wasn't our exchange or the entirety of my advice at all! Specifically more along the lines of:

Quote:Chance — 01/06/2021
can also cap 0 dangerous someone to force them out ofc, if they're a strong boy overstaying their welcome

Chance — 01/06/2021
2v1s should generally be avoided but if it's like, a 200rpl and a 100-150rpl? vs someone real strong? yeah that's fine

Later on you said you weren't allowed to kill and I just pointed out the rules of Shadowmire that states otherwise. I didn't advise to casually kill anyone that walked in (broadly speaking), but gave tips on how to be more threatening and not to be 'bullied' because back then it seemed to be an issue with your complaints.

That said, key points:
  • The Shadowmire are PCs. The main difference is they're higher risk / antagonism focused (can't idle in cities, cap 1+ in all encounters). This is made fairly clear in their guide, which I'll be touching up and updating very soon too. I'll see what I can do about the racials (Adversity not being a pre-req of Ghost Rip is a good one)
  • They're doing fine! I'd say... look at the last two weeks, a ton of organized events with unique spins thanks to them. If it was locked and made app-only? That would never have happened to begin with. The presence they bring to the game is positive.
  • Being a monster is actually newbie friendly because it lets you experience things without as much time investment with the boosted RPL + being thrown into the thick of things. You get action and highlighted immediately, rather than idling in a city and going unnoticed. That's pretty cool! If you see a newbie who has issues with the lore or needs general advice? Then approach / help them rather than telling them to play elsewhere.
(04-09-2021, 07:00 PM)chance Wrote: That said, key points:
  • The Shadowmire are PCs. The only difference is they're higher risk / antagonism focused (can't idle in cities, cap 1+ in all encounters). This is made fairly clear in their guide, which I'll be touching up and updating very soon too. I'll see what I can do about the racials (Adversity not being a pre-req of Ghost Rip is a good one)
  • They're doing fine! I'd say... look at the last two weeks, a ton of organized events with unique spins thanks to them. If it was locked and made app-only? That would never have happened to begin with. The presence they bring to the game is positive.
  • Being a monster is actually newbie friendly because it lets you experience things without as much time investment with the boosted RPL + being thrown into the thick of things. You get action and highlighted immediately, rather than idling in a city and going unnoticed. That's pretty cool! If you see a newbie who has issues with the lore or needs general advice? Then approach / help them rather than telling them to play elsewhere.

This all makes me very happy. Thank you Chance.
[Image: Ey453TpXMAEvpOq?format=jpg&name=large]
Shadowmire brought me back to the game.

Antagonists that are buffed from the start and not allowed to kill on first cap? (Or potentially any cap.)

Best addition to the game in years.
A bit late, but I had recently learned today that because Adversity gives static power instead of FM?

It also increases how much health you gain with healing abilities like tree, melodic repose, or wellspring.

My god...
(04-10-2021, 04:48 PM)Detective100 Wrote: A bit late, but I had recently learned today that because Adversity gives static power instead of FM?

It also increases how much health you gain with healing abilities like tree, melodic repose, or wellspring.

My god...

[Image: unknown.png]

first time?
>w> Thanks for the heads up Detective100 Didn't know it did that
[Image: 2SeAan3.png]Bring it on  [Image: tenor.gif?itemid=14867275]
That's odd, thought Melodic Repose was a flat 500 per tick. That being said, don't let the high numbers fool you. They paid at least 9000 HP for that lol. I don't think it would break even, unless Melodic ticks 15 times?

On Serenity, I do get some crazy group heal numbers though, since they're doubled (Yiggy and Wellspring). It looks silly, but I can promise it's just really gimmicky and not as practical when actually going lol.
(04-10-2021, 08:01 PM)Delirium Wrote: That's odd, thought Melodic Repose was a flat 500 per tick. That being said, don't let the high numbers fool you. They paid at least 9000 HP for that lol. I don't think it would break even, unless Melodic ticks 15 times?

On Serenity, I do get some crazy group heal numbers though, since they're doubled (Yiggy and Wellspring). It looks silly, but I can promise it's just really gimmicky and not as practical when actually going lol.

You only need to sacrifice 6000 HP to get these numbers (2 ticks).

You gain all that back with relative ease afterward by doing your burst, back off, and heal to break even if you decide to, but Adversity would do best with raw burst at the proper moment!
You have 347 power in that picture, with base 150, and what looks like no weapon. So assuming aura and stance and whatever are the 47, you'd have had to use it 3 times at least?

That, or I'm missing something there. It looks like you've got a 150 bonus from Adversity?
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