i thought you didnt even have damaging spells?
(04-09-2021, 02:50 PM)rea Wrote: i thought you didnt even have damaging spells?

This isn't about me. This is for Mutants in general. That being said, Serenity being one of the more effective mutants that can actually use Adversity really showcases how awful it is.
Never been all that fond of skills that just increase your AP/power temporarily. Always seen them as a niche move- Why increase my power/ap temporarily, when I can just use a different skill to either inflict damage now, get myself more utility, or both at once?

Adversity is one of those niche abilities, with the caviat of having no CD in exchange for health instead. Notably, the bonus tends to be more than 10% of one's total power, roughly 17%? 
(50/[(200 base +53 from mythril staff +10 from cloth enchants)*1.1 ap bonus to account for auras]=50/289.3= 0.172= 17.2% roughly*

Its among the strongest power buffs around, if not the best one stat wise, at the cost of 3000 HP. Coincidentaly, that cost in HP can actually be used to one's benefit if one relies on energy, using the buff when one's HP is reaching 50% to go under it, and get the normal benefits of energy+the buff.

It is hard for me to consider buffing it by decreasing the HP cost. People already mentioned it shouldn't be a skill that is just spammed, and I agree. No one wants to get suddenly nuked, and messing with adversity to make it more spammable could lead to just those kind of scenarios.

That said, there are two things I'll like to say for a mutant's benefit:
1) Do not force mutants to get adversity in order to take ghost rip, if that is still a thing. Not everyone wants to rely on the gimmick, and that's fine. Allow diversity.
2) If most mutants still want the skill's HP cost to be reduced, how about giving the skill a CD in exchange? It already gives more power than other boosting skills of its kind, so a CD for a version of the skill with lower HP cost wouldn't be that out of place.

*I know some builds can reach even more power. Just trying to reach a rough calculation.
(04-09-2021, 02:44 PM)Delirium Wrote:
(04-09-2021, 02:35 PM)Shadovarn Wrote: Pretty sure Adversity benefits from AP. When I was messing around with it, I remember getting 55 from each use with a 10% aura.

Issue is it's not really 'AP' and more flat percent power, at least last I used Energy Shroud. So unless it actually functions as AP now (or whatever acronym it goes by these days), Energy Shroud itself wouldn't work. Could be wrong there, since it seems Energy Tree had a touch up that I wasn't aware of.

Well, normally buffs won't scale off of flat AP auras, but nothing's stopping you from getting a % aura and dealing a fuckton of damage.
(04-09-2021, 02:31 PM)Delirium Wrote: Uh what. No. That's not how those spells work at all.

Energy Beam doesn't get a bonus under 50% anymore, and hasn't since like E1.
Energy Burst goes up to like, 36 spell damage or something.

Even cannons only do like, 30 spell damage these days.

[Image: MPM5FQEQJ41O.gif]
[Image: nR3lU0X.png][Image: unknown.png]
Vriska Wrote: yeah having an MCU loki icon is pretty cringe huh
Honestly, it just sounds like most mutants who utilize Adversity just don't build for it correctly. When you have cosmic, you have some combo to tie in together for that big burst of damage that can turn a fight or push a winning edge. That is how you should use this skill.

You do not use it for the amazing healing, but for the best burst that you can afford when possible. If anything, If I was a mage with Adversity, my build would be used to take full advantage of poking down, lowering DR, and raising my AP accordingly to win.

Then again, most people that play Mutants just don't know what they are doing or know how to combo things well. This is an actual issue within skills and build knowledge. If they had someone who knew what they were doing and could guide them, they'd be terrifying.
(04-09-2021, 03:13 PM)Upset Toaster Wrote: This is an actual issue within skills and build knowledge.

are you saying it's a skill issue then?
[Image: trio.png]
(04-09-2021, 03:14 PM)Prestige Wrote:
(04-09-2021, 03:13 PM)Upset Toaster Wrote: This is an actual issue within skills and build knowledge.

are you saying it's a skill issue then?

[Image: awkward-whatever-you-say-if-gif-13397785]
Just want to talk as a mutant player who has tried to make both ghost rip and Adversity work.
It is hard. I've tested a shit ton of things. I have a friend(NeatherRealmer) who is a way better verber than most and he has tested it with a lot.

It is not something easy to make work. You can't throw it into any build and expect it to work. It is barely great if you build for either of them.
What me and Neather have both found is GhostRip is best used if you know you're opponent can die in one or two hits from it. Otherwise you waste a shit ton of mana for no pay off. He uses it on a metal build and let me tell you. Me and him verb a lot. I have TWO invuls. If I invul out of any of his stuff he's just wasting mana.

As for adversity. Same thing can happen. Except you're wasting your health if you miss. It's hard to make it work in a stun cleansing invul based game.

It's easy to say "You can do-" but it's harder in practice.

What I'm gonna say is this. If you think you can use these spells effectively. Make a mutant and show us. There has yet to be a mutant who has broken the game from what I have heard. So if you think you can do it. Be the first and become a legend.
[Image: Ey453TpXMAEvpOq?format=jpg&name=large]
If everyone thinks it's a skill issue, I challenge you to make a relevant mutant then. If all like, 80 mutants of the Mire have been wrong, show us it right then? Because really, I fucking doubt it. It's easy to talk shit lol.
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