ChanceBug Reports
Invigorate is not GDCE? I'm not sure if it is meant to be, but it was commented that it way. So I will report it here just incase.

You can cancel it for free but if you click and then cancel right away, you will be cast locked.
Disarm can permanently bug your power if you relog or DC before picking up your weapon.

The weapon that is disarmed is also invisible sometimes. (the marker on it should be large and obvious anyway)

[Image: image.png]

additionally: i relogged and equipped my weapon again, if everything resets on relog it shouldnt consider me disarmed (also the moron who bugged me did it before the rpb was properly set so the prop went invisible i think)
Melodic Repose still isn't registering damage a good deal of the time.
Describe the issue: Adjusting the 'greater' variable in the half-shift toggle seems to half-work. Or to say, it gives the AP, vit, trail on dash that the GHS aura had (albeit slightly reduced (as it should, its a toggle)), but it doesn't give the most important thing. The giant and large cool wings! It seems to default to the default drakanites instead. Hipster and me infact thought it did nothing at first, as there was no visual change and I didnt check the stat-board, but it does give the stats! But what are stats without interesting wings...

Any relevant media (images, gifs/video, etc): 

What it is ----> [Image: image.png?width=61&height=57] ------> What it should be ----> [Image: image.png?width=86&height=61][Image: image.png?width=1416&height=97]
(07-14-2023, 09:03 PM)BLOX Wrote: Disarm can permanently bug your power if you relog or DC before picking up your weapon.

The weapon that is disarmed is also invisible sometimes. (the marker on it should be large and obvious anyway)

[Image: image.png]

additionally: i relogged and equipped my weapon again, if everything resets on relog it shouldnt consider me disarmed (also the moron who bugged me did it before the rpb was properly set so the prop went invisible i think)

hey so uh you can spam disarm after sending someone an RPB and the weapons just won't appear
it's bugged as shit and you can't equip a weapon, once you inevitably relog you're just fucked and have perma -power
but your weapon comes back. it stacks infinitely. blackouts don't work either

[Image: image.png]
Murderous surge can be used to dash backwards while still hurting people in the spell range forwards?

How to reproduce: Hold back. Use murderous surge. See them get hit with a sick fadeaway.
intended, always been that way
Disarm's reqs are out of whack.

Requires 50 RPP spent.

[Image: cd5a5af5bfff5dd66cd719a6e27bda17.png]
/private mode doesn't hide you from the minimap like was promised in global ooc one time (see_no_evil emoji)
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